Thematic Bible
Thematic Bible
Advice » Counsellors,
Where there is no guidance, a nation shall fall, but [there is] safety in an abundance of counsel.
Verse Concepts
Plans go wrong when there is no counsel, but with many advisors it will succeed.
Verse Concepts
For with wise guidance you shall make war for yourself, and victory [is] in an abundance of counsel.
Verse Concepts
Counsel » The multitude of counselors
Where there is no guidance, a nation shall fall, but [there is] safety in an abundance of counsel.
Verse Concepts
Plans go wrong when there is no counsel, but with many advisors it will succeed.
Verse Concepts
For with wise guidance you shall make war for yourself, and victory [is] in an abundance of counsel.
Verse Concepts
Counsel » What is established by counsel
A plan will be established by advice, and with guidance make war.
Verse Concepts
For with wise guidance you shall make war for yourself, and victory [is] in an abundance of counsel.
Verse Concepts
Safety » Where safety is
Where there is no guidance, a nation shall fall, but [there is] safety in an abundance of counsel.
Verse Concepts
For with wise guidance you shall make war for yourself, and victory [is] in an abundance of counsel.
Verse Concepts
War » Requires
For with wise guidance you shall make war for yourself, and victory [is] in an abundance of counsel.
Verse Concepts
To a city of warriors, the wise ascends, and he will bring down the stronghold--its object of trust.
Verse Concepts
[There was] a small city with few people in it. A great king came and besieged it, building great siege works against it. Now, a poor wise man was found in it, and he delivered the city by his wisdom. So I concluded that wisdom [is] better than might, yet the wisdom of the poor is despised, and his words are not heard. read more.
The words of the wise are heard in peace [more] than the shouting of a ruler [is heard] among the fools. Wisdom [is] better than weapons of war, but one sinner destroys much good.
The words of the wise are heard in peace [more] than the shouting of a ruler [is heard] among the fools. Wisdom [is] better than weapons of war, but one sinner destroys much good.
Or what king, going out to engage another king in battle, does not sit down first [and] deliberate whether he is able with ten thousand to oppose the one coming against him with twenty thousand. But if not, [while] [the other] is still far away, he sends an ambassador [and] asks {for terms of} peace.
War » Preceded by » Consultation
For with wise guidance you shall make war for yourself, and victory [is] in an abundance of counsel.
Verse Concepts
Or what king, going out to engage another king in battle, does not sit down first [and] deliberate whether he is able with ten thousand to oppose the one coming against him with twenty thousand.
Verse Concepts