Thematic Bible
Thematic Bible
Harlot (prostitute) » Shamelessness of
To take you out of the power of the strange woman, who says smooth words with her tongue;
Verse Concepts
She is full of noise and uncontrolled; her feet keep not in her house. Now she is in the street, now in the open spaces, waiting at every turning of the road. So she took him by his hand, kissing him, and without a sign of shame she said to him: read more.
I have a feast of peace-offerings, for today my oaths have been effected. So I came out in the hope of meeting you, looking for you with care, and now I have you. My bed is covered with cushions of needlework, with coloured cloths of the cotton thread of Egypt; I have made my bed sweet with perfumes and spices. Come, let us take our pleasure in love till the morning, having joy in love's delights. For the master of the house is away on a long journey: He has taken a bag of money with him; he is coming back at the full moon. With her fair words she overcame him, forcing him with her smooth lips. The simple man goes after her, like an ox going to its death, like a roe pulled by a cord; Like a bird falling into a net; with no thought that his life is in danger, till an arrow goes into his side. So now, my sons, give ear to me; give attention to the sayings of my mouth; Let not your heart be turned to her ways, do not go wandering in her footsteps. For those wounded and made low by her are great in number; and all those who have come to their death through her are a great army. Her house is the way to the underworld, going down to the rooms of death.
I have a feast of peace-offerings, for today my oaths have been effected. So I came out in the hope of meeting you, looking for you with care, and now I have you. My bed is covered with cushions of needlework, with coloured cloths of the cotton thread of Egypt; I have made my bed sweet with perfumes and spices. Come, let us take our pleasure in love till the morning, having joy in love's delights. For the master of the house is away on a long journey: He has taken a bag of money with him; he is coming back at the full moon. With her fair words she overcame him, forcing him with her smooth lips. The simple man goes after her, like an ox going to its death, like a roe pulled by a cord; Like a bird falling into a net; with no thought that his life is in danger, till an arrow goes into his side. So now, my sons, give ear to me; give attention to the sayings of my mouth; Let not your heart be turned to her ways, do not go wandering in her footsteps. For those wounded and made low by her are great in number; and all those who have come to their death through her are a great army. Her house is the way to the underworld, going down to the rooms of death.
The foolish woman is full of noise; she has no sense at all. Seated at the door of her house, in the high places of the town, Crying out to those who go by, going straight on their way, she says: read more.
Whoever is simple, let him come in here: and to him who is without sense, she says: Drink taken without right is sweet, and food in secret is pleasing. But he does not see that the dead are there, that her guests are in the deep places of the underworld.
Whoever is simple, let him come in here: and to him who is without sense, she says: Drink taken without right is sweet, and food in secret is pleasing. But he does not see that the dead are there, that her guests are in the deep places of the underworld.
Whoredom » Whoremongers
Let married life be honoured among all of you and not made unclean; for men untrue in married life will be judged by God.
Verse Concepts
But those who are full of fear and without faith, the unclean and takers of life, those who do the sins of the flesh, and those who make use of evil powers or who give worship to images, and all those who are false, will have their part in the sea of ever-burning fire which is the second death.
Verse Concepts
A man who is a lover of wisdom is a joy to his father: but he who goes in the company of loose women is a waster of wealth.
Verse Concepts
Being certain of this, that no man who gives way to the passions of the flesh, no unclean person, or one who has desire for the property of others, or who gives worship to images, has any heritage in the kingdom of Christ and God. Do not be turned from the right way by foolish words; for because of these things the punishment of God comes on those who do not put themselves under him. Have no part with such men;
We are conscious that the law is good, if a man makes a right use of it, With the knowledge that the law is made, not for the upright man, but for those who have no respect for law and order, for evil men and sinners, for the unholy and those who have no religion, for those who put their fathers or mothers to death, for takers of life, For those who go after loose women, for those with unnatural desires, for those who take men prisoners, who make false statements and false oaths, and those who do any other things against the right teaching,
I am the First and the Last, the start and the end. A blessing on those whose robes are washed, so that they may have a right to the tree of life, and may go in by the doors into the town. Outside are the dogs, and those who make use of evil powers, those who make themselves unclean, and the takers of life, and those who give worship to images, and everyone whose delight is in what is false.
To take you out of the power of the strange woman, who says smooth words with her tongue; Who is false to the husband of her early years, and does not keep the agreement of her God in mind: For her house is on the way down to death; her footsteps go down to the shades: read more.
Those who go to her do not come back again; their feet do not keep in the ways of life:
Those who go to her do not come back again; their feet do not keep in the ways of life:
Say to wisdom, You are my sister; let knowledge be named your special friend: So that they may keep you from the strange woman, even from her whose words are smooth. Looking out from my house, and watching through the window, read more.
I saw among the young men one without sense, Walking in the street near the turn of her road, going on the way to her house, At nightfall, in the evening of the day, in the black dark of the night. And the woman came out to him, in the dress of a loose woman, with a designing heart; She is full of noise and uncontrolled; her feet keep not in her house. Now she is in the street, now in the open spaces, waiting at every turning of the road. So she took him by his hand, kissing him, and without a sign of shame she said to him: I have a feast of peace-offerings, for today my oaths have been effected. So I came out in the hope of meeting you, looking for you with care, and now I have you. My bed is covered with cushions of needlework, with coloured cloths of the cotton thread of Egypt; I have made my bed sweet with perfumes and spices. Come, let us take our pleasure in love till the morning, having joy in love's delights. For the master of the house is away on a long journey: He has taken a bag of money with him; he is coming back at the full moon. With her fair words she overcame him, forcing him with her smooth lips. The simple man goes after her, like an ox going to its death, like a roe pulled by a cord; Like a bird falling into a net; with no thought that his life is in danger, till an arrow goes into his side.
I saw among the young men one without sense, Walking in the street near the turn of her road, going on the way to her house, At nightfall, in the evening of the day, in the black dark of the night. And the woman came out to him, in the dress of a loose woman, with a designing heart; She is full of noise and uncontrolled; her feet keep not in her house. Now she is in the street, now in the open spaces, waiting at every turning of the road. So she took him by his hand, kissing him, and without a sign of shame she said to him: I have a feast of peace-offerings, for today my oaths have been effected. So I came out in the hope of meeting you, looking for you with care, and now I have you. My bed is covered with cushions of needlework, with coloured cloths of the cotton thread of Egypt; I have made my bed sweet with perfumes and spices. Come, let us take our pleasure in love till the morning, having joy in love's delights. For the master of the house is away on a long journey: He has taken a bag of money with him; he is coming back at the full moon. With her fair words she overcame him, forcing him with her smooth lips. The simple man goes after her, like an ox going to its death, like a roe pulled by a cord; Like a bird falling into a net; with no thought that his life is in danger, till an arrow goes into his side.
Whoredom » Whores
The mouth of strange women is a deep hole: he with whom the Lord is angry will go down into it.
Verse Concepts
And I saw a thing more bitter than death, even the woman whose heart is full of tricks and nets, and whose hands are as bands. He with whom God is pleased will get free from her, but the sinner will be taken by her.
Verse Concepts
To take you out of the power of the strange woman, who says smooth words with her tongue; Who is false to the husband of her early years, and does not keep the agreement of her God in mind: For her house is on the way down to death; her footsteps go down to the shades: read more.
Those who go to her do not come back again; their feet do not keep in the ways of life:
Those who go to her do not come back again; their feet do not keep in the ways of life:
My son, give attention to my wisdom; let your ear be turned to my teaching: So that you may be ruled by a wise purpose, and your lips may keep knowledge. For honey is dropping from the lips of the strange woman, and her mouth is smoother than oil; read more.
But her end is bitter as wormwood, and sharp as a two-edged sword; Her feet go down to death, and her steps to the underworld; She never keeps her mind on the road of life; her ways are uncertain, she has no knowledge.
But her end is bitter as wormwood, and sharp as a two-edged sword; Her feet go down to death, and her steps to the underworld; She never keeps her mind on the road of life; her ways are uncertain, she has no knowledge.
Say to wisdom, You are my sister; let knowledge be named your special friend: So that they may keep you from the strange woman, even from her whose words are smooth. Looking out from my house, and watching through the window, read more.
I saw among the young men one without sense, Walking in the street near the turn of her road, going on the way to her house, At nightfall, in the evening of the day, in the black dark of the night. And the woman came out to him, in the dress of a loose woman, with a designing heart; She is full of noise and uncontrolled; her feet keep not in her house. Now she is in the street, now in the open spaces, waiting at every turning of the road. So she took him by his hand, kissing him, and without a sign of shame she said to him: I have a feast of peace-offerings, for today my oaths have been effected. So I came out in the hope of meeting you, looking for you with care, and now I have you. My bed is covered with cushions of needlework, with coloured cloths of the cotton thread of Egypt; I have made my bed sweet with perfumes and spices. Come, let us take our pleasure in love till the morning, having joy in love's delights. For the master of the house is away on a long journey: He has taken a bag of money with him; he is coming back at the full moon. With her fair words she overcame him, forcing him with her smooth lips. The simple man goes after her, like an ox going to its death, like a roe pulled by a cord; Like a bird falling into a net; with no thought that his life is in danger, till an arrow goes into his side. So now, my sons, give ear to me; give attention to the sayings of my mouth; Let not your heart be turned to her ways, do not go wandering in her footsteps. For those wounded and made low by her are great in number; and all those who have come to their death through her are a great army. Her house is the way to the underworld, going down to the rooms of death.
I saw among the young men one without sense, Walking in the street near the turn of her road, going on the way to her house, At nightfall, in the evening of the day, in the black dark of the night. And the woman came out to him, in the dress of a loose woman, with a designing heart; She is full of noise and uncontrolled; her feet keep not in her house. Now she is in the street, now in the open spaces, waiting at every turning of the road. So she took him by his hand, kissing him, and without a sign of shame she said to him: I have a feast of peace-offerings, for today my oaths have been effected. So I came out in the hope of meeting you, looking for you with care, and now I have you. My bed is covered with cushions of needlework, with coloured cloths of the cotton thread of Egypt; I have made my bed sweet with perfumes and spices. Come, let us take our pleasure in love till the morning, having joy in love's delights. For the master of the house is away on a long journey: He has taken a bag of money with him; he is coming back at the full moon. With her fair words she overcame him, forcing him with her smooth lips. The simple man goes after her, like an ox going to its death, like a roe pulled by a cord; Like a bird falling into a net; with no thought that his life is in danger, till an arrow goes into his side. So now, my sons, give ear to me; give attention to the sayings of my mouth; Let not your heart be turned to her ways, do not go wandering in her footsteps. For those wounded and made low by her are great in number; and all those who have come to their death through her are a great army. Her house is the way to the underworld, going down to the rooms of death.
For a loose woman is a deep hollow, and a strange woman is a narrow water-hole. Yes, she is waiting secretly like a beast for its food, and deceit by her is increased among men.
Whoredom » Who falls victim to whores
The mouth of strange women is a deep hole: he with whom the Lord is angry will go down into it.
Verse Concepts
And I saw a thing more bitter than death, even the woman whose heart is full of tricks and nets, and whose hands are as bands. He with whom God is pleased will get free from her, but the sinner will be taken by her.
Verse Concepts
Say to wisdom, You are my sister; let knowledge be named your special friend: So that they may keep you from the strange woman, even from her whose words are smooth. Looking out from my house, and watching through the window, read more.
I saw among the young men one without sense, Walking in the street near the turn of her road, going on the way to her house, At nightfall, in the evening of the day, in the black dark of the night. And the woman came out to him, in the dress of a loose woman, with a designing heart; She is full of noise and uncontrolled; her feet keep not in her house. Now she is in the street, now in the open spaces, waiting at every turning of the road. So she took him by his hand, kissing him, and without a sign of shame she said to him: I have a feast of peace-offerings, for today my oaths have been effected. So I came out in the hope of meeting you, looking for you with care, and now I have you. My bed is covered with cushions of needlework, with coloured cloths of the cotton thread of Egypt; I have made my bed sweet with perfumes and spices. Come, let us take our pleasure in love till the morning, having joy in love's delights. For the master of the house is away on a long journey: He has taken a bag of money with him; he is coming back at the full moon. With her fair words she overcame him, forcing him with her smooth lips. The simple man goes after her, like an ox going to its death, like a roe pulled by a cord; Like a bird falling into a net; with no thought that his life is in danger, till an arrow goes into his side. So now, my sons, give ear to me; give attention to the sayings of my mouth; Let not your heart be turned to her ways, do not go wandering in her footsteps. For those wounded and made low by her are great in number; and all those who have come to their death through her are a great army.
I saw among the young men one without sense, Walking in the street near the turn of her road, going on the way to her house, At nightfall, in the evening of the day, in the black dark of the night. And the woman came out to him, in the dress of a loose woman, with a designing heart; She is full of noise and uncontrolled; her feet keep not in her house. Now she is in the street, now in the open spaces, waiting at every turning of the road. So she took him by his hand, kissing him, and without a sign of shame she said to him: I have a feast of peace-offerings, for today my oaths have been effected. So I came out in the hope of meeting you, looking for you with care, and now I have you. My bed is covered with cushions of needlework, with coloured cloths of the cotton thread of Egypt; I have made my bed sweet with perfumes and spices. Come, let us take our pleasure in love till the morning, having joy in love's delights. For the master of the house is away on a long journey: He has taken a bag of money with him; he is coming back at the full moon. With her fair words she overcame him, forcing him with her smooth lips. The simple man goes after her, like an ox going to its death, like a roe pulled by a cord; Like a bird falling into a net; with no thought that his life is in danger, till an arrow goes into his side. So now, my sons, give ear to me; give attention to the sayings of my mouth; Let not your heart be turned to her ways, do not go wandering in her footsteps. For those wounded and made low by her are great in number; and all those who have come to their death through her are a great army.
Whoredom » Avoiding harlots
My son, give attention to my wisdom; let your ear be turned to my teaching: So that you may be ruled by a wise purpose, and your lips may keep knowledge. For honey is dropping from the lips of the strange woman, and her mouth is smoother than oil; read more.
But her end is bitter as wormwood, and sharp as a two-edged sword; Her feet go down to death, and her steps to the underworld; She never keeps her mind on the road of life; her ways are uncertain, she has no knowledge. Give ear to me then, my sons, and do not put away my words from you. Go far away from her, do not come near the door of her house; For fear that you may give your honour to others, and your wealth to strange men: And strange men may be full of your wealth, and the fruit of your work go to the house of others; And you will be full of grief at the end of your life, when your flesh and your body are wasted; And you will say, How was teaching hated by me, and my heart put no value on training; I did not give attention to the voice of my teachers, my ear was not turned to those who were guiding me! I was in almost all evil in the company of the people.
But her end is bitter as wormwood, and sharp as a two-edged sword; Her feet go down to death, and her steps to the underworld; She never keeps her mind on the road of life; her ways are uncertain, she has no knowledge. Give ear to me then, my sons, and do not put away my words from you. Go far away from her, do not come near the door of her house; For fear that you may give your honour to others, and your wealth to strange men: And strange men may be full of your wealth, and the fruit of your work go to the house of others; And you will be full of grief at the end of your life, when your flesh and your body are wasted; And you will say, How was teaching hated by me, and my heart put no value on training; I did not give attention to the voice of my teachers, my ear was not turned to those who were guiding me! I was in almost all evil in the company of the people.
Say to wisdom, You are my sister; let knowledge be named your special friend: So that they may keep you from the strange woman, even from her whose words are smooth. Looking out from my house, and watching through the window, read more.
I saw among the young men one without sense, Walking in the street near the turn of her road, going on the way to her house, At nightfall, in the evening of the day, in the black dark of the night. And the woman came out to him, in the dress of a loose woman, with a designing heart; She is full of noise and uncontrolled; her feet keep not in her house. Now she is in the street, now in the open spaces, waiting at every turning of the road. So she took him by his hand, kissing him, and without a sign of shame she said to him: I have a feast of peace-offerings, for today my oaths have been effected. So I came out in the hope of meeting you, looking for you with care, and now I have you. My bed is covered with cushions of needlework, with coloured cloths of the cotton thread of Egypt; I have made my bed sweet with perfumes and spices. Come, let us take our pleasure in love till the morning, having joy in love's delights. For the master of the house is away on a long journey: He has taken a bag of money with him; he is coming back at the full moon. With her fair words she overcame him, forcing him with her smooth lips. The simple man goes after her, like an ox going to its death, like a roe pulled by a cord; Like a bird falling into a net; with no thought that his life is in danger, till an arrow goes into his side. So now, my sons, give ear to me; give attention to the sayings of my mouth; Let not your heart be turned to her ways, do not go wandering in her footsteps. For those wounded and made low by her are great in number; and all those who have come to their death through her are a great army. Her house is the way to the underworld, going down to the rooms of death.
I saw among the young men one without sense, Walking in the street near the turn of her road, going on the way to her house, At nightfall, in the evening of the day, in the black dark of the night. And the woman came out to him, in the dress of a loose woman, with a designing heart; She is full of noise and uncontrolled; her feet keep not in her house. Now she is in the street, now in the open spaces, waiting at every turning of the road. So she took him by his hand, kissing him, and without a sign of shame she said to him: I have a feast of peace-offerings, for today my oaths have been effected. So I came out in the hope of meeting you, looking for you with care, and now I have you. My bed is covered with cushions of needlework, with coloured cloths of the cotton thread of Egypt; I have made my bed sweet with perfumes and spices. Come, let us take our pleasure in love till the morning, having joy in love's delights. For the master of the house is away on a long journey: He has taken a bag of money with him; he is coming back at the full moon. With her fair words she overcame him, forcing him with her smooth lips. The simple man goes after her, like an ox going to its death, like a roe pulled by a cord; Like a bird falling into a net; with no thought that his life is in danger, till an arrow goes into his side. So now, my sons, give ear to me; give attention to the sayings of my mouth; Let not your heart be turned to her ways, do not go wandering in her footsteps. For those wounded and made low by her are great in number; and all those who have come to their death through her are a great army. Her house is the way to the underworld, going down to the rooms of death.
They will keep you from the evil woman, from the smooth tongue of the strange woman. Let not your heart's desire go after her fair body; let not her eyes take you prisoner.
Women » Wicked » Full of deceit and licentiousness
And I saw a thing more bitter than death, even the woman whose heart is full of tricks and nets, and whose hands are as bands. He with whom God is pleased will get free from her, but the sinner will be taken by her.
Verse Concepts
For honey is dropping from the lips of the strange woman, and her mouth is smoother than oil; But her end is bitter as wormwood, and sharp as a two-edged sword; Her feet go down to death, and her steps to the underworld; read more.
She never keeps her mind on the road of life; her ways are uncertain, she has no knowledge. Give ear to me then, my sons, and do not put away my words from you. Go far away from her, do not come near the door of her house; For fear that you may give your honour to others, and your wealth to strange men: And strange men may be full of your wealth, and the fruit of your work go to the house of others; And you will be full of grief at the end of your life, when your flesh and your body are wasted; And you will say, How was teaching hated by me, and my heart put no value on training; I did not give attention to the voice of my teachers, my ear was not turned to those who were guiding me! I was in almost all evil in the company of the people. Let water from your store and not that of others be your drink, and running water from your fountain. Let not your springs be flowing in the streets, or your streams of water in the open places. Let them be for yourself only, not for other men with you. Let blessing be on your fountain; have joy in the wife of your early years. As a loving hind and a gentle doe, let her breasts ever give you rapture; let your passion at all times be moved by her love. Why let yourself, my son, go out of the way with a strange woman, and take another woman in your arms?
She never keeps her mind on the road of life; her ways are uncertain, she has no knowledge. Give ear to me then, my sons, and do not put away my words from you. Go far away from her, do not come near the door of her house; For fear that you may give your honour to others, and your wealth to strange men: And strange men may be full of your wealth, and the fruit of your work go to the house of others; And you will be full of grief at the end of your life, when your flesh and your body are wasted; And you will say, How was teaching hated by me, and my heart put no value on training; I did not give attention to the voice of my teachers, my ear was not turned to those who were guiding me! I was in almost all evil in the company of the people. Let water from your store and not that of others be your drink, and running water from your fountain. Let not your springs be flowing in the streets, or your streams of water in the open places. Let them be for yourself only, not for other men with you. Let blessing be on your fountain; have joy in the wife of your early years. As a loving hind and a gentle doe, let her breasts ever give you rapture; let your passion at all times be moved by her love. Why let yourself, my son, go out of the way with a strange woman, and take another woman in your arms?
To take you out of the power of the strange woman, who says smooth words with her tongue; Who is false to the husband of her early years, and does not keep the agreement of her God in mind: For her house is on the way down to death; her footsteps go down to the shades: read more.
Those who go to her do not come back again; their feet do not keep in the ways of life:
Those who go to her do not come back again; their feet do not keep in the ways of life:
They will keep you from the evil woman, from the smooth tongue of the strange woman. Let not your heart's desire go after her fair body; let not her eyes take you prisoner. For a loose woman is looking for a cake of bread, but another man's wife goes after one's very life. read more.
May a man take fire to his breast without burning his clothing? Or may one go on lighted coals, and his feet not be burned? So it is with him who goes in to his neighbour's wife; he who has anything to do with her will not go free from punishment.
May a man take fire to his breast without burning his clothing? Or may one go on lighted coals, and his feet not be burned? So it is with him who goes in to his neighbour's wife; he who has anything to do with her will not go free from punishment.
He who takes another man's wife is without all sense: he who does it is the cause of destruction to his soul. Wounds will be his and loss of honour, and his shame may not be washed away. For bitter is the wrath of an angry husband; in the day of punishment he will have no mercy. read more.
He will not take any payment; and he will not make peace with you though your money offerings are increased.
He will not take any payment; and he will not make peace with you though your money offerings are increased.
Looking out from my house, and watching through the window, I saw among the young men one without sense, Walking in the street near the turn of her road, going on the way to her house, read more.
At nightfall, in the evening of the day, in the black dark of the night. And the woman came out to him, in the dress of a loose woman, with a designing heart; She is full of noise and uncontrolled; her feet keep not in her house. Now she is in the street, now in the open spaces, waiting at every turning of the road. So she took him by his hand, kissing him, and without a sign of shame she said to him: I have a feast of peace-offerings, for today my oaths have been effected. So I came out in the hope of meeting you, looking for you with care, and now I have you. My bed is covered with cushions of needlework, with coloured cloths of the cotton thread of Egypt; I have made my bed sweet with perfumes and spices. Come, let us take our pleasure in love till the morning, having joy in love's delights. For the master of the house is away on a long journey: He has taken a bag of money with him; he is coming back at the full moon. With her fair words she overcame him, forcing him with her smooth lips. The simple man goes after her, like an ox going to its death, like a roe pulled by a cord; Like a bird falling into a net; with no thought that his life is in danger, till an arrow goes into his side. So now, my sons, give ear to me; give attention to the sayings of my mouth; Let not your heart be turned to her ways, do not go wandering in her footsteps. For those wounded and made low by her are great in number; and all those who have come to their death through her are a great army. Her house is the way to the underworld, going down to the rooms of death.
At nightfall, in the evening of the day, in the black dark of the night. And the woman came out to him, in the dress of a loose woman, with a designing heart; She is full of noise and uncontrolled; her feet keep not in her house. Now she is in the street, now in the open spaces, waiting at every turning of the road. So she took him by his hand, kissing him, and without a sign of shame she said to him: I have a feast of peace-offerings, for today my oaths have been effected. So I came out in the hope of meeting you, looking for you with care, and now I have you. My bed is covered with cushions of needlework, with coloured cloths of the cotton thread of Egypt; I have made my bed sweet with perfumes and spices. Come, let us take our pleasure in love till the morning, having joy in love's delights. For the master of the house is away on a long journey: He has taken a bag of money with him; he is coming back at the full moon. With her fair words she overcame him, forcing him with her smooth lips. The simple man goes after her, like an ox going to its death, like a roe pulled by a cord; Like a bird falling into a net; with no thought that his life is in danger, till an arrow goes into his side. So now, my sons, give ear to me; give attention to the sayings of my mouth; Let not your heart be turned to her ways, do not go wandering in her footsteps. For those wounded and made low by her are great in number; and all those who have come to their death through her are a great army. Her house is the way to the underworld, going down to the rooms of death.
The untrue wife who takes strange lovers in place of her husband!
Verse Concepts
Women » Subtle and deceitful
And I saw a thing more bitter than death, even the woman whose heart is full of tricks and nets, and whose hands are as bands. He with whom God is pleased will get free from her, but the sinner will be taken by her.
Verse Concepts
They will keep you from the evil woman, from the smooth tongue of the strange woman. Let not your heart's desire go after her fair body; let not her eyes take you prisoner. For a loose woman is looking for a cake of bread, but another man's wife goes after one's very life. read more.
May a man take fire to his breast without burning his clothing? Or may one go on lighted coals, and his feet not be burned? So it is with him who goes in to his neighbour's wife; he who has anything to do with her will not go free from punishment.
May a man take fire to his breast without burning his clothing? Or may one go on lighted coals, and his feet not be burned? So it is with him who goes in to his neighbour's wife; he who has anything to do with her will not go free from punishment.
He who takes another man's wife is without all sense: he who does it is the cause of destruction to his soul. Wounds will be his and loss of honour, and his shame may not be washed away. For bitter is the wrath of an angry husband; in the day of punishment he will have no mercy. read more.
He will not take any payment; and he will not make peace with you though your money offerings are increased.
He will not take any payment; and he will not make peace with you though your money offerings are increased.
Looking out from my house, and watching through the window, I saw among the young men one without sense, Walking in the street near the turn of her road, going on the way to her house, read more.
At nightfall, in the evening of the day, in the black dark of the night. And the woman came out to him, in the dress of a loose woman, with a designing heart; She is full of noise and uncontrolled; her feet keep not in her house. Now she is in the street, now in the open spaces, waiting at every turning of the road. So she took him by his hand, kissing him, and without a sign of shame she said to him: I have a feast of peace-offerings, for today my oaths have been effected. So I came out in the hope of meeting you, looking for you with care, and now I have you. My bed is covered with cushions of needlework, with coloured cloths of the cotton thread of Egypt; I have made my bed sweet with perfumes and spices. Come, let us take our pleasure in love till the morning, having joy in love's delights. For the master of the house is away on a long journey: He has taken a bag of money with him; he is coming back at the full moon. With her fair words she overcame him, forcing him with her smooth lips. The simple man goes after her, like an ox going to its death, like a roe pulled by a cord; Like a bird falling into a net; with no thought that his life is in danger, till an arrow goes into his side. So now, my sons, give ear to me; give attention to the sayings of my mouth; Let not your heart be turned to her ways, do not go wandering in her footsteps. For those wounded and made low by her are great in number; and all those who have come to their death through her are a great army. Her house is the way to the underworld, going down to the rooms of death.
At nightfall, in the evening of the day, in the black dark of the night. And the woman came out to him, in the dress of a loose woman, with a designing heart; She is full of noise and uncontrolled; her feet keep not in her house. Now she is in the street, now in the open spaces, waiting at every turning of the road. So she took him by his hand, kissing him, and without a sign of shame she said to him: I have a feast of peace-offerings, for today my oaths have been effected. So I came out in the hope of meeting you, looking for you with care, and now I have you. My bed is covered with cushions of needlework, with coloured cloths of the cotton thread of Egypt; I have made my bed sweet with perfumes and spices. Come, let us take our pleasure in love till the morning, having joy in love's delights. For the master of the house is away on a long journey: He has taken a bag of money with him; he is coming back at the full moon. With her fair words she overcame him, forcing him with her smooth lips. The simple man goes after her, like an ox going to its death, like a roe pulled by a cord; Like a bird falling into a net; with no thought that his life is in danger, till an arrow goes into his side. So now, my sons, give ear to me; give attention to the sayings of my mouth; Let not your heart be turned to her ways, do not go wandering in her footsteps. For those wounded and made low by her are great in number; and all those who have come to their death through her are a great army. Her house is the way to the underworld, going down to the rooms of death.