Thematic Bible
Thematic Bible
Creator » God as » Creator of man
So the LORD God formed the man from the dust of the ground, breathed life into his lungs, and the man became a living being.
Verse Concepts
Do we not have one father? Has not one God created us? Why does each of us act deceitfully, each man against his own brother, to profane the covenant of our ancestors?
Verse Concepts
Then God said, "Let us make mankind in our image, to be like us. Let them be masters over the fish in the ocean, the birds that fly, the livestock, everything that crawls on the earth, and over the earth itself!"
Verse Concepts
"The spirit of God fashioned me; and the breath of the Almighty gives me life.
Verse Concepts
Creating them male and female, he blessed them and called them humans when he created them.
Verse Concepts
"Indeed, ask from one end of the heavens to the other about days of old, before your time, when God created mankind on the earth. Did we ever have anything as great as this, or ever hear of anything like it?
Verse Concepts
You made him a little less than divine, but you crowned him with glory and honor.
Verse Concepts
Acknowledge that the LORD is God. He made us and we belong to him; we are his people and the sheep of his pasture.
Verse Concepts
As a result, you have forgotten the LORD who made you, who stretched out the heavens and laid the earth's foundations, and you live in constant fear every day because of the oppressor's fury, since he's ready to destroy. Now where is the oppressor's fury?
Verse Concepts
For we live, move, and exist because of him, as some of your own poets have said: ""Since we are his children, too.'
Verse Concepts
God » Creator » Of man
So the LORD God formed the man from the dust of the ground, breathed life into his lungs, and the man became a living being.
Verse Concepts
Do we not have one father? Has not one God created us? Why does each of us act deceitfully, each man against his own brother, to profane the covenant of our ancestors?
Verse Concepts
Then God said, "Let us make mankind in our image, to be like us. Let them be masters over the fish in the ocean, the birds that fly, the livestock, everything that crawls on the earth, and over the earth itself!"
Verse Concepts
"The spirit of God fashioned me; and the breath of the Almighty gives me life.
Verse Concepts
Creating them male and female, he blessed them and called them humans when he created them.
Verse Concepts
"Indeed, ask from one end of the heavens to the other about days of old, before your time, when God created mankind on the earth. Did we ever have anything as great as this, or ever hear of anything like it?
Verse Concepts
You made him a little less than divine, but you crowned him with glory and honor.
Verse Concepts
Acknowledge that the LORD is God. He made us and we belong to him; we are his people and the sheep of his pasture.
Verse Concepts
As a result, you have forgotten the LORD who made you, who stretched out the heavens and laid the earth's foundations, and you live in constant fear every day because of the oppressor's fury, since he's ready to destroy. Now where is the oppressor's fury?
Verse Concepts
For we live, move, and exist because of him, as some of your own poets have said: ""Since we are his children, too.'
Verse Concepts
God » People of general references to » Guided like a flock
Acknowledge that the LORD is God. He made us and we belong to him; we are his people and the sheep of his pasture.
Verse Concepts
Yet he led out his people like sheep, guiding them like a flock in the desert.
Verse Concepts
Jews, the » Called God's people » Guided like a flock
Acknowledge that the LORD is God. He made us and we belong to him; we are his people and the sheep of his pasture.
Verse Concepts
Yet he led out his people like sheep, guiding them like a flock in the desert.
Verse Concepts
Man » A social being » Creation of
So the LORD God formed the man from the dust of the ground, breathed life into his lungs, and the man became a living being.
Verse Concepts
Do we not have one father? Has not one God created us? Why does each of us act deceitfully, each man against his own brother, to profane the covenant of our ancestors?
Verse Concepts
Then God said, "Let us make mankind in our image, to be like us. Let them be masters over the fish in the ocean, the birds that fly, the livestock, everything that crawls on the earth, and over the earth itself!"
Verse Concepts
"The spirit of God fashioned me; and the breath of the Almighty gives me life.
Verse Concepts
Creating them male and female, he blessed them and called them humans when he created them.
Verse Concepts
"Indeed, ask from one end of the heavens to the other about days of old, before your time, when God created mankind on the earth. Did we ever have anything as great as this, or ever hear of anything like it?
Verse Concepts
You made him a little less than divine, but you crowned him with glory and honor.
Verse Concepts
Acknowledge that the LORD is God. He made us and we belong to him; we are his people and the sheep of his pasture.
Verse Concepts
As a result, you have forgotten the LORD who made you, who stretched out the heavens and laid the earth's foundations, and you live in constant fear every day because of the oppressor's fury, since he's ready to destroy. Now where is the oppressor's fury?
Verse Concepts
For we live, move, and exist because of him, as some of your own poets have said: ""Since we are his children, too.'
Verse Concepts
God's People » General references to » Guided like a flock
Acknowledge that the LORD is God. He made us and we belong to him; we are his people and the sheep of his pasture.
Verse Concepts
Yet he led out his people like sheep, guiding them like a flock in the desert.
Verse Concepts