Thematic Bible

Thematic Bible

Thus His fame spread through all Syria; and they brought all the sick to Him, the people who were suffering from various diseases and pains--demoniacs, epileptics, paralytics; and He cured them. Verse ConceptsFame, Of ChristdoctorsdiseasesDiseases, Kinds OfInsanityFameMoonNewsParalyticsProvincesSpreading StoriesGood NewsJesus HealingThose DemonisedBringing Men To JesusMental IllnessHealing SicknesssyriaDemonic Influence

and on the journey, at noon, Sir, I saw a light from Heaven--brighter than the brightness of the sun--shining around me and around those who were travelling with me. Verse ConceptsLight, NaturalNoonThe SunLight In The World