Thematic Bible

Thematic Bible

For, all the gods of the peoples, are things of nought, but, Yahweh, made, the heavens.

For, all the gods of the peoples, are things of nought - But, Yahweh, made, the heavens.

And, exchanged the glory of the incorruptible God, for the likeness of an image of a corruptible man, and of birds and fourfooted beasts and reptiles:

Ye know that, when ye were of the nations, unto the dumb idols, howsoever ye were being led, ye were seduced.

For, all the gods of the peoples, are things of nought - But, Yahweh, made, the heavens.

For, all the gods of the peoples, are things of nought - But, Yahweh, made, the heavens.

But he said: Idle, ye are - idle, on this account, are, ye, saying, We must take our journey, we must sacrifice to Yahweh.

When, our God, is in the heavens, Whatsoever he pleased, hath he done. Their idols, are silver and gold, the works of the hands of men, -