Thematic Bible: Receives jacob, and gives him his daughters in marriage

Thematic Bible

And Jacob will announce to Rachel that he is her father's brother, and that he is Rebekah's son; and she will run and announce to her father. And it shall be when Laban heard the hearing of Jacob his sister's son, and he will run to meet him, and he will embrace him, and kiss him and bring him to his house, and he will recount to Laban all these words. And Laban will say to him, Surely my bone and my flesh art thou: and he will dwell with him a month of days. read more.
And Laban will say to Jacob, Because thou art my brother shalt thou serve me gratuitously? announce to me what thy reward. And to Laban two daughters: the name to the great, Leah; and the name to the small, Rachel. And the eyes of Leah weak, and Rachel was fair of form and fair of look. And Jacob will love Rachel, and will say, I will serve thee seven years for Rachel thy daughter the small. And Laban will say, Good for me to give her to thee rather than for me to give her to another man. Dwell with me. And Jacob will serve for Rachel seven years, and they will be in his eyes as a few days in his loving her. And Jacob will say to Laban, Give my wife, for the days were completed, and I will go in to her. And Laban will gather together all the men of the place, and will make a drinking. And it will be in the evening, and he will take Leah his daughter, and bring her to him, and he will go in to her. And Laban will give to her, Zilpah his maid, to Leah his daughter a maid. And it will be in the morning, and behold, she was Leak And he will say to Laban, What this thou didst to me? did I not serve with thee for Rachel? and wherefore didst thou deceive me? And Laban will say, It shall not be done so in our place, to give the small before the first-born. Complete her seven, and we will give to thee also this for work which thou shalt work with me yet other seven years. And Jacob will do so, and he will complete her seven, and he will give to him Rachel his daughter to him for a wife. And Laban will give to Rachel his daughter, Bilhah his maid to her for a maid. And he will go in also to Rachel, and he will also love Rachel more than Leah, and he will serve with him yet other seven years.