Thematic Bible

Thematic Bible

At that very time a great earthquake occurred. A tenth part of the city fell, and seven thousand people perished in the earthquake. Those who escaped were much terrified, and praised the God of Heaven. Verse ConceptsGlorifying GodDanger, PhysicalearthquakesHourSuffering, Nature OfFear, Of NaturalSeven ThousandDestruction Of BabylonTerror Of GodA Tenth Of ThingsThe Rapture

And I saw the Lamb break the sixth seal, and then there was a great earthquake. The sun became black, like sackcloth, and the moon, which was at its full, like blood. 'The stars of the heavens fell' to the earth, as when a fig-tree, shaken by a strong wind, drops its unripe fruit. The heavens disappeared like a scroll when it is rolled up, and every mountain and island was moved from its place.

There followed 'flashes of lightning, cries, and peals of thunder'; and there was a great earthquake, such as had not occurred since man began to be upon the earth--none so great; Verse ConceptsearthquakesLightningThunderCalamityUnique EventsRumblingBowl JudgmentsCatastrophic EventsThunder Expressing God's Judgment

and every island vanished, and the mountains disappeared. Verse ConceptsMountains RemovedEnd Of DaysEnd TimesMoving To A New Placerevelation

And I saw three foul spirits, like frogs, come from the mouth of the Dragon and from the mouth of the Beast and from the mouth of the false Prophet. They are the spirits of demons, and perform marvels; they go to kings all over the world, to collect them for the battle on the Great Day of Almighty God. ('I am coming like a thief! Happy will he be who is on the watch, and keeps his clothing at hand, so that he will not have to walk about unclothed and let men see his nakedness.') read more.
And the spirits collected the kings at the place called in Hebrew 'Har-Magedon.' Then the seventh Angel emptied his bowl upon the air. (A loud voice came from the throne in the Temple; it said 'All is over.') There followed 'flashes of lightning, cries, and peals of thunder'; and there was a great earthquake, such as had not occurred since man began to be upon the earth--none so great; and the great City was torn in three, and the cities of the nation fell, and God remembered Babylon the Great, and gave her the maddening wine-cup of his Wrath; and every island vanished, and the mountains disappeared. Great hailstones, a pound in weight, are falling upon men from the heavens. And men blasphemed God because of the Curse of the hail, for it was a very terrible Curse.

When he drew near, on seeing the city, he wept over it, and said: "Would that you had known, while yet there was time--even you--the things that make for peace! But now they have been hidden from your sight. For a time is coming upon you when your enemies will surround you with earthworks, and encircle you, and hem you in on all sides; read more.
They will trample you down and your children within you, and they will not leave in you one stone upon another, because you did not know 'the time of your visitation.'"

As soon, however, as you see Jerusalem surrounded by armed camps, then you may know that the hour of her desecration is at hand. Then those of you who are in Judea must take refuge in the mountains, those who are in Jerusalem must leave at once, and those who are in the country places must not go into it. For these are to be the Days of Vengeance, when all that Scripture says will be fulfilled. read more.
Alas for the women that are with child, and for those that are nursing infants in those days! For there will be great suffering in the land, and anger against this people. They will fall by the edge of the sword, and will be taken prisoners to every land, and 'Jerusalem will be under the heel of the Gentiles,' until their day is over--as it shall be.

Then the sixth angel emptied his bowl upon the great river Euphrates; and the water in the river was dried up, so that the road for the Kings of the East might be made ready. And I saw three foul spirits, like frogs, come from the mouth of the Dragon and from the mouth of the Beast and from the mouth of the false Prophet. They are the spirits of demons, and perform marvels; they go to kings all over the world, to collect them for the battle on the Great Day of Almighty God. read more.
('I am coming like a thief! Happy will he be who is on the watch, and keeps his clothing at hand, so that he will not have to walk about unclothed and let men see his nakedness.') And the spirits collected the kings at the place called in Hebrew 'Har-Magedon.' Then the seventh Angel emptied his bowl upon the air. (A loud voice came from the throne in the Temple; it said 'All is over.') There followed 'flashes of lightning, cries, and peals of thunder'; and there was a great earthquake, such as had not occurred since man began to be upon the earth--none so great; and the great City was torn in three, and the cities of the nation fell, and God remembered Babylon the Great, and gave her the maddening wine-cup of his Wrath; and every island vanished, and the mountains disappeared. Great hailstones, a pound in weight, are falling upon men from the heavens. And men blasphemed God because of the Curse of the hail, for it was a very terrible Curse.

When the thousand years are ended, Satan will be let loose from his prison, and he will come out to deceive the nations that live in 'the four corners of the earth--Gog and Magog.' He will come to gather them together for battle; and their number will be as great as the sand on the sea-shore. They went up over the breadth of the whole earth, and surrounded the camp of Christ's People and the beloved city. Then fire fell from the heavens and consumed them; read more.
and the Devil, their deceiver, was hurled into the lake of fire and sulphur, where the Beast and the false Prophet already were, and they will be tortured day and night for ever and ever.

There followed 'flashes of lightning, cries, and peals of thunder'; and there was a great earthquake, such as had not occurred since man began to be upon the earth--none so great; Verse ConceptsearthquakesLightningThunderCalamityUnique EventsRumblingBowl JudgmentsCatastrophic EventsThunder Expressing God's Judgment

Out from the throne 'come flashes of lightning, cries, and peals of thunder'! There are seven torches burning in front of the throne, which are the seven spirits of God; Verse ConceptsLightningSpiritsSymbolsThunderSeven SpiritsSeven LightsFire Of The SpiritRumblingThe RainbowThunder Showing God's Presence

Then a battle took place in the heavens. Michael and his angels fought with the Dragon. But though the Dragon, with his angels, fought, he did not prevail; and there was no place left for them any longer in the heavens. Then the great Dragon, the primeval Serpent, known as the 'Devil' and 'Satan,' who deceives all the world, was hurled down to the earth, and his angels were hurled down with him.

Then I saw a great white throne, and him who was seated on it. 'The earth and the heavens fled from his presence; no place was left for them.' Verse ConceptsColors, WhiteGod, Sovereignty OfEarth, Destruction OfSkyTheophanyWhiteHeaven, God's ThroneThe Universe DestroyedFleeing From GodNo RoomAutomobiles

After this, I saw four angels standing 'upon the four corners of the earth,' restraining the four winds of the earth, that no wind should blow over the earth, or over the sea, or against any tree. Verse ConceptsStandingBeing CalmFour AngelsFour CornersFour WindsNo WindsFour SidesAngels Doing God's WorkHarming TreesThe Sea StilledWeather In The Last DaysweatherFlat Earth

And I saw the Lamb break the sixth seal, and then there was a great earthquake. The sun became black, like sackcloth, and the moon, which was at its full, like blood. 'The stars of the heavens fell' to the earth, as when a fig-tree, shaken by a strong wind, drops its unripe fruit. The heavens disappeared like a scroll when it is rolled up, and every mountain and island was moved from its place.

Next, another angel came and stood at the altar with a golden censer in his hand; and a great quantity of incense was given to him, to mingle with the prayers of all Christ's People upon the golden altar before the throne. The smoke of the incense ascended, with the prayers of Christ's People, from the hand of the angel before God. Then the angel took the censer, and filled it with fire from the altar, and threw it down upon the earth; and there followed 'peals of thunder, cries, flashes of lightning,' and an earthquake. read more.
Then the seven angels holding the seven trumpets prepared to blow their blasts. The first blew; and there came hail and fire mixed with blood, and it fell upon the earth. A third part of the earth was burnt up, and a third of the trees, and every blade of grass. Then the second angel blew; and what appeared to be a great mountain, burning, was hurled into the sea. A third of the sea became blood, and a third part of all created things that are in the sea--that is, of all living things--died, and a third of the ships was destroyed. Then the third angel blew; and there fell from the heavens a great star, burning like a torch. It fell upon a third of the rivers and upon the springs. (The star is called 'Wormwood.') A third of the water became bitter as wormwood, and so bitter was the water that many died from drinking it. Then the fourth angel blew; and a third of the sun and a third of the moon and a third of the stars were blasted, so that a third of them was eclipsed, and for a third part of the day there was no light, and at night it was the same.

Then the fifth angel blew; and I saw a Star that had fallen upon the earth from the heavens, and to him was given the key of the bottomless pit. He opened the bottomless pit, and from the pit rose a smoke like the smoke of a great furnace. The sun and the air grew dark because of the smoke from the pit.

And this is what the horses and their riders appeared to be like in my vision:--They had breastplates of fire, blood-red and sulphurous, and the heads of the horses were like lions' heads, while out of their mouths issue fire, and smoke, and sulphur. Through these three Curses a third of mankind perished--because of the fire, and the smoke, and the sulphur that issued from their mouths; for the power of the horses lies in their mouths and in their tails. For their tails are like snakes, with heads, and it is with them that they do harm.

Then I saw another mighty angel, descending from Heaven. His robe was a cloud; over his head was the rainbow; his face was like the sun, and his feet like pillars of fire; in his hand he held a little book open. He set his right foot on the sea, and his left on the land; and he cried in a loud voice like the roaring of a lion. At his cry the seven peals of thunder spoke, each with its own voice. read more.
And, when they spoke, I was about to write; but I heard a voice from Heaven say-- 'Keep secret what the seven peals of thunder said, and do not write it down.' Then the angel, whom I had seen standing on the sea and on the land, 'raised his right hand to the heavens, and swore by him who lives for ever and ever, who created the heavens and all that is in them, and the earth and all that is in it, and the sea and all that is in it,' that time should cease to be.

These men have the power to close the heavens, that 'no rain may fall' during the time that they are teaching; and they have power 'to turn the streams into blood, and to smite the land with any Curse,' whenever they will. Verse ConceptsBlood, Miracles Connected WithPlaguesRainSkyTurned To BloodLack Of RainAuthority Of DisciplesThe Two WitnessesWeather In The Last DaysweatherempowermentGod Controlling The Rain

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Then a great portent was seen in the heavens--a woman whose robe was the sun, and who had the moon under her feet, and on her head a crown of twelve stars. She was with child; and 'she is crying out in the pain and agony of childbirth.' Another portent also was seen in the heavens There was a great red Dragon, with seven heads and ten horns, and on his heads were seven diadems. read more.
His tail draws after it a third of the stars in the heavens, and it hurled them down on the earth. The Dragon is standing in front of the woman who is about to give birth to the child, so that he may devour it as soon as it is born.

Then I saw another portent in the heavens--a great and marvelous portent--seven angels with the seven last Curses; because with them the Wrath of God is ended. Then I saw what appeared to be a sea of glass mixed with fire; and, standing by this sea of glass, holding the harps of God, I saw those who had come victorious out of the conflict with the Beast and its image and the number that formed its name. They are singing the song of Moses, the Servant of God, and the song of the Lamb-- 'Great and marvelous are thy deeds, O Lord, our God, the Almighty. Righteous and true are thy ways, Eternal King. read more.
Who will not reverence and praise thy Name, O Lord? Thou alone art holy! All nations will come and worship before thee, for thy judgments have become manifest.'

Then the fourth angel emptied his bowl upon the sun; and he was permitted to scorch men with fire; Verse ConceptsFractions, One FourthScorchingFourthAffecting Sun Moon And StarsBurnoutSun

Then the seventh Angel emptied his bowl upon the air. (A loud voice came from the throne in the Temple; it said 'All is over.') There followed 'flashes of lightning, cries, and peals of thunder'; and there was a great earthquake, such as had not occurred since man began to be upon the earth--none so great; and the great City was torn in three, and the cities of the nation fell, and God remembered Babylon the Great, and gave her the maddening wine-cup of his Wrath; read more.
and every island vanished, and the mountains disappeared. Great hailstones, a pound in weight, are falling upon men from the heavens. And men blasphemed God because of the Curse of the hail, for it was a very terrible Curse.

Then I saw that Heaven lay open. There appears a white horse; its rider is called 'Faithful' and 'True'; righteously does he judge and make war. His eyes are flaming fires; on his head there are many diadems, and he bears a name, written, which no one knows but himself; He has been clothed in a garment sprinkled with blood; and the name by which he is called is 'The Word of God.' read more.
The armies of Heaven followed him, mounted on white horses and clothed in fine linen, white and pure. From his mouth comes a sharp sword, with which 'to smite the nations; and he will rule them with an iron rod.' He 'treads the grapes in the press' of the maddening wine of the Wrath of Almighty God; and on his robe and on his thigh he has this name written-- 'KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS.' Then I saw an angel standing on the sun. He cried in a loud voice to all the birds that fly in mid-heaven-- 'Gather and come to the great feast of God, to eat the flesh of kings, and the flesh of commanders, and the flesh of mighty men, and the flesh of horses and their riders, and the flesh of all freemen and slaves, and of high and low.'

There followed 'flashes of lightning, cries, and peals of thunder'; and there was a great earthquake, such as had not occurred since man began to be upon the earth--none so great; Verse ConceptsearthquakesLightningThunderCalamityUnique EventsRumblingBowl JudgmentsCatastrophic EventsThunder Expressing God's Judgment

Out from the throne 'come flashes of lightning, cries, and peals of thunder'! There are seven torches burning in front of the throne, which are the seven spirits of God; Verse ConceptsLightningSpiritsSymbolsThunderSeven SpiritsSeven LightsFire Of The SpiritRumblingThe RainbowThunder Showing God's Presence

Then a great portent was seen in the heavens--a woman whose robe was the sun, and who had the moon under her feet, and on her head a crown of twelve stars. She was with child; and 'she is crying out in the pain and agony of childbirth.' Another portent also was seen in the heavens There was a great red Dragon, with seven heads and ten horns, and on his heads were seven diadems. read more.
His tail draws after it a third of the stars in the heavens, and it hurled them down on the earth. The Dragon is standing in front of the woman who is about to give birth to the child, so that he may devour it as soon as it is born. The woman gave birth to a son, a male child, who is destined to rule all the nations with an iron rod; and her child was at once caught up to God upon his throne. But the woman fled into the wilderness, where there is a place prepared for her by God, to be tended there for twelve hundred and sixty days. Then a battle took place in the heavens. Michael and his angels fought with the Dragon. But though the Dragon, with his angels, fought, he did not prevail; and there was no place left for them any longer in the heavens. Then the great Dragon, the primeval Serpent, known as the 'Devil' and 'Satan,' who deceives all the world, was hurled down to the earth, and his angels were hurled down with him. And I heard a loud voice in Heaven which said-- 'Now has begun the day of the Salvation, and Power, and Dominion of our God, and the Rule of his Christ; for the Accuser of our Brothers has been hurled down, he who has been accusing them before our God day and night. Their victory was due to the Blood of the Lamb, and to the Message to which they bore their testimony. In their love of life they shrank not from death. Therefore, be glad, O Heaven, and all who live in Heaven! Alas for the earth and for the sea, for the Devil has gone down to you in great fury, knowing that he has but little time.' when the Dragon saw that he was hurled down to the earth, he pursued the woman who had given birth to the male child. But to the woman were given the two wings of the great eagle, so that she might fly to her place in the wilderness, where she is being tended for 'one year, and for two years, and for half a year' in safety from the Serpent. Then the Serpent poured water from its mouth after the woman, like a river, so that it might sweep her away. But Earth came to her help, and opened her mouth and drank up the river which the Dragon had poured out of its mouth. The Dragon was enraged at the woman, and went to fight with the rest of her offspring-- those who lay to heart the commands of God and bear their testimony to Jesus; and he took his stand on the sea-shore.

Then the sixth angel emptied his bowl upon the great river Euphrates; and the water in the river was dried up, so that the road for the Kings of the East might be made ready. And I saw three foul spirits, like frogs, come from the mouth of the Dragon and from the mouth of the Beast and from the mouth of the false Prophet. They are the spirits of demons, and perform marvels; they go to kings all over the world, to collect them for the battle on the Great Day of Almighty God. read more.
('I am coming like a thief! Happy will he be who is on the watch, and keeps his clothing at hand, so that he will not have to walk about unclothed and let men see his nakedness.') And the spirits collected the kings at the place called in Hebrew 'Har-Magedon.' Then the seventh Angel emptied his bowl upon the air. (A loud voice came from the throne in the Temple; it said 'All is over.') There followed 'flashes of lightning, cries, and peals of thunder'; and there was a great earthquake, such as had not occurred since man began to be upon the earth--none so great; and the great City was torn in three, and the cities of the nation fell, and God remembered Babylon the Great, and gave her the maddening wine-cup of his Wrath; and every island vanished, and the mountains disappeared. Great hailstones, a pound in weight, are falling upon men from the heavens. And men blasphemed God because of the Curse of the hail, for it was a very terrible Curse.

When the thousand years are ended, Satan will be let loose from his prison, and he will come out to deceive the nations that live in 'the four corners of the earth--Gog and Magog.' He will come to gather them together for battle; and their number will be as great as the sand on the sea-shore. They went up over the breadth of the whole earth, and surrounded the camp of Christ's People and the beloved city. Then fire fell from the heavens and consumed them; read more.
and the Devil, their deceiver, was hurled into the lake of fire and sulphur, where the Beast and the false Prophet already were, and they will be tortured day and night for ever and ever.

The ten horns that you saw are ten kings. who have not yet received their kingdoms, but for an hour they receive the authority of kings, together with the Beast. These kings are of one mind in surrendering their power and authority to the Beast. They will fight with the Lamb, but the Lamb will conquer them, for he is Lord of lords and King of kings; so, too, will those with him who have received the Call and are chosen and faithful.

Then I was given a measure like a rod, and a voice said to me-- 'Go and measure the Temple of God and the altar, and count the worshiper there. But omit the court outside the Temple, and do not measure that, for it has been given up to the nations; and the holy City will be under their heel for forty-two months. Then I will give permission to my Two Witnesses, and for those twelve hundred and sixty days they will continue teaching, clothed in sackcloth.' read more.
These men are represented by 'the two olive trees and the two lamps that stand before the Lord of the earth.' When any one wishes to harm them, 'fire comes from their mouths and consumes their enemies'; and whoever wishes to harm them will, in this way, inevitably perish. These men have the power to close the heavens, that 'no rain may fall' during the time that they are teaching; and they have power 'to turn the streams into blood, and to smite the land with any Curse,' whenever they will. As soon as they have completed their testimony, 'the wild Beast that ascends from the bottomless pit will make war upon them and conquer' and kill them.

Then I saw, 'rising out of the sea, a wild Beast with ten horns' and seven heads. On its horns were ten diadems, and on its heads were blasphemous names. The Beast that I saw was like a leopard; but its feet were like a bear's, and its mouth like the mouth of a lion. The Dragon gave it his power and his throne, and wide dominion. One of its heads seemed to me to have been mortally wounded, but its deadly wound had been healed. The whole earth followed the Beast, wondering; read more.
and men worshiped the Dragon, because he had given his dominion to the Beast; while, as they worshiped the Beast, they said-- 'Who can compare with the Beast? and who can fight with it?' The Beast was given 'a mouth that spoke proudly' and blasphemously, and it was empowered to work its will for forty-two months. It opened its mouth only to blaspheme God, to blaspheme his Name and his Tabernacle-- those who dwell in his Tabernacle in Heaven. It had been permitted to fight with Christ's People and to conquer them, and it had received power over men of every tribe, and people, and language, and nation.

Then I saw that Heaven lay open. There appears a white horse; its rider is called 'Faithful' and 'True'; righteously does he judge and make war. His eyes are flaming fires; on his head there are many diadems, and he bears a name, written, which no one knows but himself; He has been clothed in a garment sprinkled with blood; and the name by which he is called is 'The Word of God.' read more.
The armies of Heaven followed him, mounted on white horses and clothed in fine linen, white and pure. From his mouth comes a sharp sword, with which 'to smite the nations; and he will rule them with an iron rod.' He 'treads the grapes in the press' of the maddening wine of the Wrath of Almighty God; and on his robe and on his thigh he has this name written-- 'KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS.' Then I saw an angel standing on the sun. He cried in a loud voice to all the birds that fly in mid-heaven-- 'Gather and come to the great feast of God, to eat the flesh of kings, and the flesh of commanders, and the flesh of mighty men, and the flesh of horses and their riders, and the flesh of all freemen and slaves, and of high and low.' Then I saw the Beast and the kings of the earth and their armies, gathered together to fight with him who sat on the horse and with his army.

Then I saw another portent in the heavens--a great and marvelous portent--seven angels with the seven last Curses; because with them the Wrath of God is ended. Then I saw what appeared to be a sea of glass mixed with fire; and, standing by this sea of glass, holding the harps of God, I saw those who had come victorious out of the conflict with the Beast and its image and the number that formed its name. They are singing the song of Moses, the Servant of God, and the song of the Lamb-- 'Great and marvelous are thy deeds, O Lord, our God, the Almighty. Righteous and true are thy ways, Eternal King. read more.
Who will not reverence and praise thy Name, O Lord? Thou alone art holy! All nations will come and worship before thee, for thy judgments have become manifest.' After this I saw that the inmost shrine of the Tabernacle of Revelation in Heaven was opened, and out of it came the seven angels with the seven Curses. They were adorned with precious stones, pure and bright, and had golden girdles round their breasts. One of the four Creatures gave the seven angels seven golden bowls, filled with the Wrath of God who lives for ever and ever. 'The Temple was filled with smoke from the Glory' and Majesty of God; and no one could enter the Temple, until the seven Curses inflicted by the seven angels were at an end.

Then I heard a loud voice, which came from the Temple, saying to the seven angels-- 'Go and empty the seven bowls of the Wrath of God upon the earth.' The first angel went and emptied his bowl upon the earth; and it turned to loathsome and painful sores upon all who bore the brand of the Beast and who worshiped its image. Then the second angel emptied his bowl upon the sea; and it turned to blood like the blood of a corpse, and every living thing died--everything in the sea. read more.
Then the third angel emptied his bowl upon the rivers and springs of water; and it turned to blood. And I heard the Angel of the Waters saying-- 'Righteous art thou, thou who art and who wast, the Holy One, in inflicting this judgment; for men shed the blood of Christ's People and of the Prophets, and thou hast given them blood to drink. It is what they deserve.' And I heard the response from the altar-- 'Yes, O Lord, our God, the Almighty, true and righteous are they judgments.' Then the fourth angel emptied his bowl upon the sun; and he was permitted to scorch men with fire; and men were scorched by the intense heat. They blasphemed the Name of God who controlled these Curses, yet they did not repent and give him praise. Then the fifth angel emptied his bowl upon the throne of the Beast; and darkness fell upon its Kingdom. Men gnawed their tongues for pain, and blasphemed the God of Heaven, because of their pains and because of their sores; yet they did not repent of what they had done. Then the sixth angel emptied his bowl upon the great river Euphrates; and the water in the river was dried up, so that the road for the Kings of the East might be made ready. And I saw three foul spirits, like frogs, come from the mouth of the Dragon and from the mouth of the Beast and from the mouth of the false Prophet. They are the spirits of demons, and perform marvels; they go to kings all over the world, to collect them for the battle on the Great Day of Almighty God. ('I am coming like a thief! Happy will he be who is on the watch, and keeps his clothing at hand, so that he will not have to walk about unclothed and let men see his nakedness.') And the spirits collected the kings at the place called in Hebrew 'Har-Magedon.' Then the seventh Angel emptied his bowl upon the air. (A loud voice came from the throne in the Temple; it said 'All is over.') There followed 'flashes of lightning, cries, and peals of thunder'; and there was a great earthquake, such as had not occurred since man began to be upon the earth--none so great; and the great City was torn in three, and the cities of the nation fell, and God remembered Babylon the Great, and gave her the maddening wine-cup of his Wrath; and every island vanished, and the mountains disappeared. Great hailstones, a pound in weight, are falling upon men from the heavens. And men blasphemed God because of the Curse of the hail, for it was a very terrible Curse.