Thematic Bible: Upon the canaanites

Thematic Bible

and the land became defiled; therefore, I visited its iniquity upon it, and the land itself vomited out her inhabitants. Verse ConceptsRetributionSin, Effects OfPolluting The LandDefilementovereating

When the LORD thy God shall have cut off the Gentiles from before thee, in the place where thou goest to inherit of them, and thou dost inherit of them and dost dwell in their land, keep thyself from being snared by following them, after they are destroyed from before thee; enquire not after their gods, saying, After the manner that these Gentiles served their gods, even so will I do likewise. Thou shalt not do so unto the LORD thy God; for every abomination unto the LORD, which he hates, they have done unto their gods; for they have even burnt their sons and their daughters in the fire to their gods. read more.
Keep thyself, and do all that I command you; thou shalt not add to it nor diminish from it.