Thematic Bible: Wares

Thematic Bible

Aram was your trading partner because of your numerous products. They exchanged turquoise, purple and embroidered cloth, fine linen, coral, and rubies for your merchandise. Verse ConceptsCoralembroideryEmeraldsGemsJewelsLinenMineralsPrecious StonesCommercePurple Cloth

Gather up your belongings from the ground,
you who live under siege.
Verse ConceptsAttacks On Jerusalem ForetoldBaggageimprovement

The sailors were afraid, and each cried out to his god. They threw the ship’s cargo into the sea to lighten the load. Meanwhile, Jonah had gone down to the lowest part of the vessel and had stretched out and fallen into a deep sleep. Verse ConceptsMarinersDepression, CausesFear, Caused ByMerchandiseBuoyancyFear Of Other ThingsPraying AmissServing One's Own GodsNervousnesssailingjonah

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