5 Bible Verses about Deposits

Most Relevant Verses

Ephesians 1:13-14

And in Him you Gentiles also, after listening to the Message of the truth, the Good News of your salvation--having believed in Him--were sealed with the promised Holy Spirit; that Spirit being a pledge and foretaste of our inheritance, in anticipation of its full redemption--the inheritance which He has purchased to be specially His for the extolling of His glory.

2 Corinthians 1:21-22

But He who is making us as well as you stedfast through union with the Anointed One, and has anointed us, is God, and He has also set His seal upon us, and has put His Spirit into our hearts as a pledge and foretaste of future blessing.

Matthew 25:27

Your duty then was to deposit my money in some bank, and so when I came I should have got back my property with interest.

Luke 19:23

why then did you not put my money into a bank, that when I came I might have received it back with interest?

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