8 Bible Verses about Doubt Rebuked
Most Relevant Verses
"Why are you so easily frightened," He replied, "you men of little faith?" Then He rose and reproved the winds and the waves, and there was a perfect calm;
And if God so clothes the wild herbage which to-day flourishes and to-morrow is thrown into the oven, is it not much more certain that He will clothe you, you men of little faith?
Instantly Jesus stretched out His hand and caught hold of him, saying to him, "O little faith, why did you doubt?"
Jesus perceived this and said, "Why are you reasoning among yourselves, you men of little faith, because you have no bread?
"O unbelieving and perverse generation!" replied Jesus; "how long shall I be with you? how long shall I endure you? Bring him to me."
"O dull-witted men," He replied, "with minds so slow to believe all that the Prophets have spoken!
Then He said to Thomas, "Bring your finger here and feel my hands; bring you hand and put it into my side; and do not be ready to disbelieve but to believe."
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