5 Bible Verses about Free Of Charge
Most Relevant Verses
And my reward? This, that I can preach the gospel free of charge, that I can refrain from insisting on all my rights as a preacher of the gospel.
But perhaps I did wrong in taking a humble place that you might have a high one ??I mean, in preaching the gospel of God to you for nothing!
Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse lepers, cast out daemons; give without paying, as you have got without paying;
Then he said, "All is over! I am the alpha and the omega, the First and the Last. I will let the thirsty drink of the fountain of the water of Life without price.
"Come," say the Spirit and the Bride: let the hearer too say, "Come"; and let the thirsty come, let anyone who desires it, take the water of Life without price.
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