6 Bible Verses about Gifts From God, Temporal
Most Relevant Verses
The eyes of all hope for thee, and thou givest to them their food in its time.
And I gave your rains in their times, and the land gave its produce, and the tree of the field shall give its fruit:

And he gave the rain of thy seed which thou shalt sow the earth and bread of the increase of the earth: and it was fat and fertile, thy cattle shall feed in that day in a large meadow.
Ask ye from Jehovah rain in the time of the latter rain; Jehovah made lightnings, and he will give rain of heavy showers to them, to each the green herb in the field.
Wisdom and knowledge are given to thee; and riches and treasures and honor will I give to thee which was not thus to the kings that were before thee; and after thee it shell not be thus.