13 Bible Verses about Not Knowing Where
Most Relevant Verses
The spirit, where it pleaseth, doth breathe, and, the sound thereof, thou hearest; but knowest not, whence it cometh and whither it goeth: Thus, is every one who hath been born of the spirit.
Thus will I lead the blind, by a way they know not, In paths they know not, will I guide them, - I will make the place that was dark before them to be, light. And crooked ways, to be, straight, These things, have I done unto them, And have not forsaken them.
By faith, being called, Abraham obeyed - to come forth into a place he was destined to receive for an inheritance; and he came forth, not well knowing whither he was coming.

The toil of dullards, shall weary a man, that he knoweth not how to go into the city.
Alas for you! because ye are as the secret tombs: even the men that are walking above them, know it not.
Just as thou knowest not what is the way of the spirit, when the body is in the womb of her that is with child, even, so, canst thou not know the work of God, who maketh all.
And, when the master of the feast had tasted the water, now made, wine, and knew not whence it was, - though, they who were ministering, knew, even they who had drawn out the water, the master accosteth the bridegroom,
Jesus, therefore, said unto them - Yet a little while, the light, is, among you: Walk, while ye have, the light, lest, darkness, on you should lay hold; and, he that walketh in darkness, knoweth not whither he drifteth.
She runneth, therefore, and cometh unto Simon Peter, and unto the other disciple whom Jesus dearly loved, and saith unto them - They have taken away the Lord out of the tomb, and we know not where they have laid him.
And, they, say unto her - Woman! why weepest thou? She saith unto them - They have taken away my Lord, and I know not where they have laid him.
And, when day came, they could not recognise, the land; but perceived, a certain bay, having a beach, - upon which they were minded, if they could, safely to bring the ship.
Whereas, he that hateth his brother, in the darkness, dwelleth, and in the darkness, walketh; and knoweth not whither he is drifting, because the, darkness, hath blinded his eyes.