24 Bible Verses about Right Desires
Most Relevant Verses
"I have most earnestly wished," he said, "to eat this Passover with you before I suffer.
But now there are no further openings for me in these parts, and I have for several years been longing to come to you whenever I may be going to Spain.
As for ourselves, Brothers, our having been bereaved of you even for a short time--though in body only, and not in spirit--made us all the more eager to see your faces again; and the longing to do so was strong upon us.
For I long to see you, in order to impart to you some spiritual gift and so give you fresh strength--
as I think of your tears, longing to see you, that my happiness may be completed,
But, when Timothy recently returned to us from you with good news of your faith and love, and told us how kindly you think of us--always longing, he said, to see us, just as we are longing to see you--
When Herod saw Jesus, he was exceedingly pleased, for he had been wanting to see him for a long time, having heard a great deal about him; and he was hoping to see some sign given by him.
And so, for my part, I am ready to tell the Good News to you also who are in Rome.
I do not understand my own actions. For I am so far from habitually doing what I want to do, that I find myself doing the very thing that I hate. But when I do what I want not to do, I am admitting that the Law is right.
I fail to do the good thing that I want to do, but the bad thing that I want not to do-that I habitually do.
Yet always with the ambition to tell the Good News where Christ's name had not previously been heard, so as to avoid building upon another man's foundations.
Now I want you all to speak in 'tongues,' but much more I wish that you should preach. A Preacher is of more account than he who speaks in 'tongues,' unless he interprets his words, so that the faith of the Church may be built up.
Even while in our present body we sigh, longing to put over it our heavenly dwelling,
And it is not only by his arrival that we are encouraged, but also by the encouragement which he received from you; for he tells us of your strong affection, your penitence, and your zeal on my behalf--so that I am happier still.
I am only making suggestions on this matter; for this is the best course for you, since you were a year before others, not only in taking action, but also in showing your readiness to do so.
And now I want you to complete the work, so that its completion may correspond with your willing readiness--in proportion, of course, to your means.
Yes, and all who aim at living a religious life in union with Christ Jesus will have to suffer persecution;
So, when the people had collected, Pilate said to them: "Which do you wish me to release for you? Barabbas? Or Jesus who is called 'Christ'?"
"What is it that you want?" he asked. "I want you to say," she replied, "that in your Kingdom these two sons of mine may sit, one on your right, and the other on your left."
Then Jesus stopped and called them. "What do you want me to do for you?" he said.
"What do you want me to do for you?" said Jesus, addressing him. "Rabboni," the blind man answered, "I want to recover my sight."
"Your faith is great," was his reply to the woman; "it shall be as you wish!" And her daughter was cured that very hour.
Brothers, my heart's desire and prayer to God for my People is for their Salvation.