5 Bible Verses about The Armies Of Heaven
Most Relevant Verses
And he saith, 'Therefore, hear a word of Jehovah; I have seen Jehovah sitting on His throne, and all the host of the heavens standing by Him, on His right and on His left;
And the armies in the heaven were following him upon white horses, clothed in fine linen -- white and pure;
dost thou think that I am not able now to call upon my Father, and He will place beside me more than twelve legions of messengers?
And I saw the beast, and the kings of the earth, and their armies, having been gathered together to make war with him who is sitting upon the horse, and with his army;
and he shall go forth to lead the nations astray, that are in the four corners of the earth -- Gog and Magog -- to gather them together to war, of whom the number is as the sand of the sea;
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