12 Bible Verses about Things Revealed

Most Relevant Verses

Matthew 26:73

A little while after the bystanders came up to Peter and said, "You are certainly one of them too, for your accent shows it!"

Acts 19:18

Many who became believers would come and openly confess their former practices.

Acts 23:16

But Paul's nephew heard of the plot, and he came and got into the barracks, and told Paul.

1 Corinthians 3:13

the quality of everyone's work will appear, for the Day will show it. For the Day will break in fire, and the fire will test the quality of everyone's work.

Ephesians 6:21

In order that you also may know how I am, our dear brother Tychicus, a faithful helper in the Lord's service, will tell you all about it.

Philippians 3:15

Let as many of us therefore as are mature have this attitude. If you have any different attitude, God will make this clear to you.

2 Peter 1:14

for I know that I must soon put it away, as our Lord Jesus Christ has shown me.

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