2 Bible Verses about Weekly

Most Relevant Verses

1 Chronicles 9:25

Their brothers in their villages had to come from time to time and share their duties for seven-day periods.

Numbers 28:9-10

On the Sabbath day offer two one-year-old male lambs without any defects, four pounds of flour mixed with olive oil as a grain offering, and the wine offering. This burnt offering is to be offered every Sabbath in addition to the daily offering with its wine offering.

From Thematic Bible

Sacrifices » Were offered » Weekly

Numbers 28:9-10

On the Sabbath day offer two one-year-old male lambs without any defects, four pounds of flour mixed with olive oil as a grain offering, and the wine offering. This burnt offering is to be offered every Sabbath in addition to the daily offering with its wine offering.

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