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How thou fallest from the heavens, brilliant star, son of the morning! thou wert cut off to the earth, overthrowing upon the nations!
I looked and there was a whirlwind
From what seemed to be His waist up, I saw a gleam like amber, with what looked like fire enclosing it all around.
The appearance of the brilliant light all around was like that of a rainbow in a cloud on a rainy day.
The people who were dwelling in darkness have seen a brilliant light; and on those who were dwelling in the region of the shadow of death, on them light has dawned."
Then shall the just emit a brilliant light as the sun in the kingdom of their Father. He having ears to hear, let him hear.
He appeared as [brilliant] lightning and his clothing was white as snow.
His garments also became dazzling with brilliant whiteness--such whiteness as no bleaching on earth could give.
As he was praying, the appearance of his face was transformed, and his clothes became very bright, a brilliant white.
Then Herod, with his soldiers, treated Him with contempt, mocked
And it happened, while they wondered about the situation, suddenly two men in brilliant clothing [were seen] standing beside them.
"And then it suddenly happened, about noon, as I was traveling and got close to Damascus, that this brilliant light from the sky flashed all around me.
And then the lawless person [See verse 3] will be revealed, the one whom the Lord Jesus will destroy with the breath of His mouth and bring to an end by the brilliant appearance of His presence [i.e., at His second coming].
For if there come into your synagogue a man wearing gold rings on is fingers, in brilliant clothing, and there come in also a beggar in filthy clothing;
And ye look toward him bearing the brilliant clothing, and ye say to him, Sit thou well here; and to the beggar ye say, Stand thou there, or sit here under my footstool:
And He who was seated [on it] appeared like jasper [i.e., possibly diamond. See 21:11] and carnelian [i.e., possibly a brilliant red stone], and there was a rainbow, resembling an emerald, surrounding the throne.
and the seven angels bringing the seven plagues came out of the sanctuary. They were clothed in clean, brilliant linen and had belts of gold around their breasts.
And the harvest fruit of the eager desire of thy soul departed from thee, and all fat and brilliant things departed from thee, and thou shouldest find them no more.
Permission has been granted her to dress in clean, brilliant linen, for linen signifies the upright deeds of God's people."
It had the splendor of God [shining from it], and was as brilliant as a very precious stone, as crystal-clear as jasper.