8 occurrences

'Gallows' in the Bible

The king then had the matter investigated and, finding it to be so, had the two conspirators hanged on a gallows. It was then recorded in the daily chronicles in the king's presence.

Verse ConceptsTreasonPeople Hung To DeathHistorical BooksKilling Named Individuals

Haman's wife Zeresh and all his friends said to him, "Have a gallows seventy-five feet high built, and in the morning tell the king that Mordecai should be hanged on it. Then go with the king to the banquet contented." It seemed like a good idea to Haman, so he had the gallows built.

Verse ConceptsEscaping, Physical ThingsBad Wives ExamplesTemptressesDimensions Of Other ThingsPeople Hung To DeathNamed Wives

Then the king said, "Who is that in the courtyard?" Now Haman had come to the outer courtyard of the palace to suggest that the king hang Mordecai on the gallows that he had constructed for him.

Verse ConceptsPeople Hung To Death

Harbona, one of the king's eunuchs, said, "Indeed, there is the gallows that Haman made for Mordecai, who spoke out in the king's behalf. It stands near Haman's home and is seventy-five feet high." The king said, "Hang him on it!"

Verse ConceptsEscaping, Physical ThingsAbasement, Examples OfDimensions Of Other Things

So they hanged Haman on the very gallows that he had prepared for Mordecai. The king's rage then abated.

Verse ConceptsPurimDeath Of The Wicked, Examples OfHangingAnger Subsiding

King Ahasuerus replied to Queen Esther and to Mordecai the Jew, "Look, I have already given Haman's estate to Esther, and he has been hanged on the gallows because he took hostile action against the Jews.

Verse ConceptsJews Under ThreatPeople Hung To Death

Esther replied, "If the king is so inclined, let the Jews who are in Susa be permitted to act tomorrow also according to today's law, and let them hang the ten sons of Haman on the gallows."

Verse ConceptsTen PeopleMan's Action TomorrowPeople Hung To Death

But when the matter came to the king's attention, the king gave written orders that Haman's evil intentions that he had devised against the Jews should fall on his own head. He and his sons were hanged on the gallows.

Verse ConceptsEvil DevicesPeople Hung To Death

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Butcher (6 instances)
Scaffold (1 instance)

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