2 occurrences

'Glaring' in the Bible

‘All your lovers (allies) have forgotten you;They do not seek and long for you.For I have injured you with the wound of an enemy,With the punishment of a cruel and merciless foe,Because your guilt is greatAnd your sins are glaring and innumerable.

Verse ConceptsCruelty, God's attitude toChastisementNot Seeking PeopleForgetting PeopleWoundsFriends FailingGod As EnemyAll Have Sinned

‘Why do you cry out over your injury [since it is the natural result of your sin]?Your pain is incurable (deadly).Because your guilt is greatAnd your sins are glaring and innumerable,I have done these things to you.

Verse ConceptsAfflictions Of The WickedNo HealingAll Have SinnedSin Producing Afflictions

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