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But the magicians of Egypt did the same thing by their occult practices. So Pharaoh’s heart hardened, and he would not listen to them, as the Lord had said.

The magicians tried to produce gnats using their occult practices, but they could not. The gnats remained on man and beast.

one who casts spells, one who conjures up spirits, a practitioner of the occult, or a necromancer.

The Israelis also killed Beor's son Balaam, the occult practitioner, executing him with a sword as one of those killed.

Now in that city there was a man named Simon. He was practicing occult arts and thrilling the people of Samaria, claiming to be someone great.

They paid careful attention to him because he had thrilled them for a long time with his occult performances.

They went through the whole island as far as Paphos, where they found a Jewish occult practitioner and false prophet named Bar-jesus.

But Elymas the occult practitioner (that is the meaning of his name) continued to oppose them and tried to turn the proconsul away from the faith.

Moreover, many people who had practiced occult arts gathered their books and burned them in front of everybody. They estimated their value and found them to have been worth 50,000 silver coins.