2 occurrences
'Produce' in the Bible
The day after Passover they ate unleavened bread and roasted grain from the produce of the land.
And the day after they ate from the produce of the land, the manna ceased. Since there was no more manna for the Israelites, they ate from the crops of the land of Canaan that year.
Related Words
Bible Theasaurus
Accomplish (81 instances)
Achieve (12 instances)
Acquire (44 instances)
Build (280 instances)
Carve (9 instances)
Chisel (11 instances)
Coin (14 instances)
Compose (9 instances)
Constitute (4 instances)
Construct (24 instances)
Contrive (2 instances)
Create (29 instances)
Develop (11 instances)
Edify (5 instances)
Erect (29 instances)
Establish (175 instances)
Farm (12 instances)
Forge (3 instances)
Form (205 instances)
Frame (36 instances)
Grow (214 instances)
Institute (1 instance)
Produce (227 instances)
Raise (246 instances)