30 occurrences

'Along' in the Bible

These were the men whom Moses and Aaron numbered along with the twelve leaders of Israel, each of whom was from his own family.

Verse ConceptsTwelve Beings

the hangings for the courtyard, the curtain for the entrance of the gate of the court, which is around the tabernacle and the altar, and their ropes, along with all the furnishings for their service and everything that is made for them. So they are to serve.

and the posts of the surrounding courtyard with their sockets, tent pegs, and ropes, along with all their furnishings and everything for their service. You are to assign by names the items that each man is responsible to carry.

Verse ConceptsTentsPegs

Then Moses returned to the camp along with the elders of Israel.

Verse ConceptsGroups going home

The Amalekites live in the land of the Negev; the Hittites, Jebusites, and Amorites live in the hill country; and the Canaanites live by the sea and along the banks of the Jordan."

Verse ConceptsJerusalem, History OfThe Region Of Jordan

then if anything is done unintentionally without the knowledge of the community, the whole community must prepare one young bull for a burnt offering -- for a pleasing aroma to the Lord -- along with its grain offering and its customary drink offering, and one male goat for a purification offering.

Verse ConceptsCongregationdrink offeringAnimal Sacrifices, BurntAnimal Sacrifices, Meal OfferingMale AnimalsMaking Cereal Offerings And LibationsRefreshing GodSacrificing CattleSacrificing GoatsUnintentional

and rebelled against Moses, along with some of the Israelites, 250 leaders of the community, chosen from the assembly, famous men.

Verse ConceptsTwo Hundred And SomeRosesrebellion

And each of you take his censer, put incense in it, and then each of you present his censer before the Lord: 250 censers, along with you, and Aaron -- each of you with his censer."

Verse ConceptsTwo Hundred And Some

But if the Lord does something entirely new, and the earth opens its mouth and swallows them up along with all that they have, and they go down alive to the grave, then you will know that these men have despised the Lord!"

Verse ConceptsGrave, TheMoses, Significance OfRetributionRebellion Against God, Nature OfSwallowingWhilst AliveDeath Of The Wicked

and the earth opened its mouth and swallowed them, along with their households, and all Korah's men, and all their goods.

Verse ConceptsDeath Of The Wicked, Examples OfThe Ground Being SplitSwallowingpossessions

"And this is yours: the raised offering of their gift, along with all the wave offerings of the Israelites. I have given them to you and to your sons and daughters with you as a perpetual ordinance. Everyone who is ceremonially clean in your household may eat of it.

Verse ConceptsdaughtersWave OfferingsPerpetual StatutesAnimal Sacrifices, Wave OfferingPermitted To Eat Offerings

Then the Israelites said to him, "We will go along the highway, and if we or our cattle drink any of your water, we will pay for it. We will only pass through on our feet, without doing anything else."

Verse ConceptsHighwayMan Providing WaterPaying For Goods

When the Canaanite king of Arad who lived in the Negev heard that Israel was approaching along the road to Atharim, he fought against Israel and took some of them prisoner.

Verse ConceptsNations Attacking Israel

Then they traveled from Mount Hor by the road to the Red Sea, to go around the land of Edom, but the people became impatient along the way.

Verse ConceptsImpatienceComing To The Red SeaFalling

"Let us pass through your land; we will not turn aside into the fields or into the vineyards, nor will we drink water from any well, but we will go along the King's Highway until we pass your borders."

Verse ConceptsHighwayPassing ThroughVineyardWellsMan Providing Water

When Balaam came to him, he was still standing by his burnt offering, along with the princes of Moab. And Balak said to him, "What has the Lord spoken?"

These are those who were numbered by Moses and Eleazar the priest, who numbered the Israelites in the plains of Moab along the Jordan River opposite Jericho.

Verse ConceptsCensusThe Region Of Jordan

"'On the Sabbath day, you must offer two unblemished lambs a year old, and two-tenths of an ephah of finely ground flour as a grain offering, mixed with olive oil, along with its drink offering.

Verse ConceptsFoodOilAnimal Sacrifices, Meal OfferingMale AnimalsPerfect SacrificesTwo AnimalsAnimals At Specific AgesEphah [Ten Omers]Making Cereal Offerings And LibationsSabbaths InstitutedMeat offerings

along with one male goat for a purification offering, in addition to the purification offering for atonement and the continual burnt offering with its grain offering and their drink offerings.

Verse Conceptsdrink offeringAnimal Sacrifices, Sin OfferingAtoning By SacrificesSacrificing Goats

along with one male goat for a purification offering, in addition to the continual burnt offering with its grain offering and its drink offering.

Verse ConceptsMaking Cereal Offerings And LibationsSacrificing Goats

along with one male goat for a purification offering, in addition to the continual burnt offering with its grain offering and their drink offerings.

Verse ConceptsMaking Cereal Offerings And LibationsSacrificing Goats

along with one male goat for a purification offering, in addition to the continual burnt offering with its grain offering and its drink offering.

Verse ConceptsMaking Cereal Offerings And LibationsSacrificing Goats

along with one male goat for a purification offering, in addition to the continual burnt offering with its grain offering and its drink offering.

Verse ConceptsMaking Cereal Offerings And LibationsSacrificing Goats

along with one male goat for a purification offering, in addition to the continual burnt offering with its grain offering and its drink offering.

Verse ConceptsMaking Cereal Offerings And LibationsSacrificing Goats

along with one male goat for a purification offering, in addition to the continual burnt offering with its grain offering and its drink offering.

Verse ConceptsMaking Cereal Offerings And LibationsSacrificing Goats

along with one male goat for a purification offering, in addition to the continual burnt offering with its grain offering and its drink offering.

Verse ConceptsMaking Cereal Offerings And LibationsSacrificing Goats

along with one male goat for a purification offering, in addition to the continual burnt offering with its grain offering and its drink offering.

Verse ConceptsMaking Cereal Offerings And LibationsSacrificing Goats

The Israelites took the women of Midian captives along with their little ones, and took all their herds, all their flocks, and all their goods as plunder.

Verse ConceptsSlavery, In OtSpoils Of WarDealing With Young People

They brought the captives and the spoils and the plunder to Moses, to Eleazar the priest, and to the Israelite community, to the camp on the plains of Moab, along the Jordan River across from Jericho.

Verse ConceptsThe Region Of Jordan

your southern border will extend from the wilderness of Zin along the Edomite border, and your southern border will run eastward to the extremity of the Salt Sea,

Verse ConceptsWilderness Of ZinSouthern Borderborders

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Root Form
go , walk , come , ...away , ...along ,
Usage: 1545

Usage: 36

Usage: 45

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