5 occurrences in 9 translations
'Discover' in the Bible
Break the arm of the wicked and evil man! Hold him accountable for his wicked deeds, which he thought you would not discover.
for in his own eyes he flatters himself too muchto discover and hate his sin.
would not God discover it, for he knows one's thoughts?
They encourage themselves in [their pursuit of] an evil agenda;They talk of laying snares secretly;They say, “Who will discover us?”
May those who surround me discover that the trouble they talk about falls on their own head!
Related Words
Bible Theasaurus
Attain (36 instances)
Break (282 instances)
Describe (19 instances)
Detect (3 instances)
Disclose (36 instances)
Discover (49 instances)
Distinguish (23 instances)
Expose (42 instances)
Find (583 instances)
Hear (791 instances)
Identify (6 instances)
Impart (19 instances)
Key (7 instances)
Learn (153 instances)
Name (1170 instances)
Notice (121 instances)
Observe (357 instances)
Reveal (107 instances)
Strike (221 instances)
Unwrap (1 instance)
Reverse Interlinear
Root Form
Usage: 188