1 occurrence in 10 translations
'Engaged' in the Bible
divide the war-booty between those who engaged in the war, who went out to the battle, and all the community.
Related Words
Bible Theasaurus
Absorb (1 instance)
Betrothed (19 instances)
Busy (20 instances)
Charter (1 instance)
Employ (8 instances)
Engage (51 instances)
Engaged (62 instances)
Enlist (3 instances)
Hire (53 instances)
Lease (2 instances)
Lock (13 instances)
Mesh (4 instances)
Meshed (1 instance)
Occupied (48 instances)
Occupy (45 instances)
Operate (4 instances)
Pledged (33 instances)
Plight (5 instances)
Prosecute (9 instances)
Pursue (143 instances)
Rent (83 instances)
Wage (69 instances)
Reverse Interlinear
Root Form