4 occurrences

'Female' in the Bible

to let go each one his [male] slave and each one his female slave, the Hebrew and the free Hebrew, [so that] no one among the Judeans [should] enslave his fellow countryman.

Verse ConceptsRegulations For Men And Women

And all the officials and all the people obeyed, who had entered into the covenant to let go each one his [male] slave and each one his female slave, not enslaving them again, and they obeyed and they let [them] go.

Verse ConceptsRegulations For Men And Womenliberation

But {afterward} they turned back and they brought back the [male] slaves and the female slaves whom they had let go free, and they subdued them as [male] slaves and female slaves.

Verse ConceptsPeople Changing Their MindsMaking Slaves

But you turned back and you profaned my name when you brought back each one his [male] slave and each one his female slave, whom you had let go free according to their desire, and you subdued them to be to you as [male] slaves and as female slaves.'

Verse ConceptsIrreverencePeople Changing Their MindsMaking Slaves

Bible Theasaurus

Distaff (2 instances)
Effeminate (1 instance)

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Root Form
נשׁים אשּׁה 
Usage: 780

Usage: 22

Usage: 3