7 occurrences in 3 translations

'Status' in the Bible

Now it happened in those days, when there was no king in Israel, that a certain Levite living [as an alien] in the most remote part of the hill country of Ephraim, who took a concubine for himself from Bethlehem in Judah.

Verse ConceptsConcubinesKingship, HumanBethlehemNo King

They replied to the king, "As for this man who exterminated us and who schemed against us so that we were destroyed and left without status throughout all the borders of Israel --

Verse ConceptsTrapAttempting To Kill Me

Hosah, one of the descendants of Merari, had sons: The firstborn Shimri (he was not actually the firstborn, but his father gave him that status),

Verse ConceptsFirstbornBirthrights

These people searched for their ancestral registrations but they couldn't be located. Accordingly, they were assigned an "unclean" status and couldn't be priests.

Verse ConceptsDeposed Priests

"Don't imagine that because you are part of the king's household you will be the one Jew who will escape. If you keep quiet at this time, liberation and protection for the Jews will appear from another source, while you and your father's household perish. It may very well be that you have achieved royal status for such a time as this!"

Verse ConceptsPurimAuthority Of PeopleRight Time For Peopledeliveranceliberationroyalty

You were adorned with gold, silver, clothing of fine linen, silk, and embroidery. You ate food made from the finest flour, honey, and olive oil. You were exceedingly beautiful, attaining royal status.

Verse ConceptsFoodAdornment, Of WomenGoldQueensSilverHoneyProsperityOlive Oilroyaltyprospering

Your sister Sodom and her daughters will be restored to their former status. Samaria and her daughters will be restored to their former status. Then you and your daughters will be restored to your former status.

Bible Theasaurus

Condition (71 instances)
Position (246 instances)

Reverse Interlinear

Root Form
Usage: 127

Usage: 104

Usage: 55

Usage: 0

פּקּד פּקּוּד 
Usage: 24

Usage: 45

Q@yam (Aramaic) 
Usage: 2

Usage: 6

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