4 occurrences
'Touching' in the Bible
Then Zipporah took a sharp stone, and cutting off the skin of her son's private parts, and touching his feet with it, she said, Truly you are a husband of blood to me.
And take some hyssop and put it in the blood in the basin, touching the two sides and the top of the doorway with the blood from the basin; and let not one of you go out of his house till the morning.
For seven days you are to make offerings for the altar and make it holy, so that it may become completely holy, and anything touching it will become holy.
And you are to make them most holy; anything touching them will become holy.
Bible Theasaurus
Adjoin (2 instances)
Affect (5 instances)
Concern (59 instances)
Contact (38 instances)
Equal (81 instances)
Impact (1 instance)
Match (10 instances)
Meet (328 instances)
Pertain (10 instances)
Reach (104 instances)
Refer (6 instances)
Relate (22 instances)
Reverse Interlinear
Root Form
Usage: 254