Treasury of Scripture Knowledge


O LORD, are not thine eyes upon the truth? thou hast stricken them, but they have not grieved; thou hast consumed them, but they have refused to receive correction: they have made their faces harder than a rock; they have refused to return.

Bible References

Are not thine

Jeremiah 32:19
the One great in counsel and mighty in deed, whose eyes are on all the ways of the sons of men in order to give to each person according to his ways and the result of his deeds.
2 Chronicles 16:9
For the eyes of Yahweh roam throughout the earth to show Himself strong for those whose hearts are completely His. You have been foolish in this matter. Therefore, you will have wars from now on.”
Psalm 11:4
The Lord is in His holy temple;
the Lord’s throne is in heaven.
His eyes watch; He examines everyone.
Psalm 51:6
Surely You desire integrity in the inner self,
and You teach me wisdom deep within.
Proverbs 22:12
The Lord’s eyes keep watch over knowledge,
but He overthrows the words of the treacherous.
Romans 2:2
We know that God’s judgment on those who do such things is based on the truth.

Thou hast stricken

Jeremiah 2:30
I have struck down your children in vain;
they would not accept discipline.
Your own sword has devoured your prophets
like a ravaging lion.
Jeremiah 7:28
You must therefore declare to them: This is the nation that would not listen to the voice of the Lord their God and would not accept discipline. Truth has perished—it has disappeared from their mouths.
2 Chronicles 28:22
At the time of his distress, King Ahaz himself became more unfaithful to the Lord.
Proverbs 23:35
“They struck me, but I feel no pain!
They beat me, but I didn’t know it!
When will I wake up?
I’ll look for another drink.”

Proverbs 27:22
Though you grind a fool
in a mortar with a pestle along with grain,
you will not separate his foolishness from him.
Isaiah 1:5
Why do you want more beatings?
Why do you keep on rebelling?
The whole head is hurt,
and the whole heart is sick.
Isaiah 9:13
The people did not turn to Him who struck them;
they did not seek the Lord of Hosts.
Isaiah 42:25
So He poured out on Jacob His furious anger
and the power of war.
It surrounded him with fire, but he did not know it;
it burned him, but he paid no attention.
Ezekiel 24:13
Because of the indecency of your uncleanness—
since I tried to purify you,
but you would not be purified from your uncleanness—
you will not be pure again
until I have satisfied My wrath on you.
Zephaniah 3:1
Woe to the city that is rebellious and defiled,
the oppressive city!

They have made

Proverbs 21:29
A wicked man puts on a bold face,
but the upright man considers his way.
Isaiah 48:4
Because I know that you are stubborn,
and your neck is iron
and your forehead bronze,
Ezekiel 3:7
But the house of Israel will not want to listen to you because they do not want to listen to Me. For the whole house of Israel is hardheaded and hardhearted.
Zechariah 7:11
But they refused to pay attention and turned a stubborn shoulder; they closed their ears so they could not hear.
Romans 2:4
Or do you despise the riches of His kindness, restraint, and patience, not recognizing that God’s kindness is intended to lead you to repentance?
Hebrews 12:9
Furthermore, we had natural fathers discipline us, and we respected them. Shouldn’t we submit even more to the Father of spirits and live?

General references

Genesis 19:34
The next day the firstborn said to the younger, “Look, I slept with my father last night. Let’s get him to drink wine again tonight so you can go sleep with him and we can preserve our father’s line.”
Leviticus 26:23
“If in spite of these things you do not accept My discipline, but act with hostility toward Me,
Proverbs 27:22
Though you grind a fool
in a mortar with a pestle along with grain,
you will not separate his foolishness from him.
Ezekiel 22:24
“Son of man, say to her: You are a land that has not been cleansed, that has not received rain in the day of indignation.
Luke 8:6
Other seed fell on the rock; when it sprang up, it withered, since it lacked moisture.

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