53 occurrences

'My Father' in the Bible

And Jesus, answering, said to him - Happy, art thou, Simon Bar-yona, - because, flesh and blood, revealed it not unto thee, but my Father who is in the heavens.

Again, verilyI say unto you - If two from among you shall agree upon the earth concerning any matter, whatsoever they shall ask, it shall be brought to pass for them, from my Father who is in the heavens;

He saith unto them - My cup, indeed, ye shall drink; but, to sit on my right hand and on my left, is not mine to give, - except unto those for whom it hath been prepared by my Father.

Moreover, I say unto you - In nowise, will I drink, henceforth, of this produce of the vine, until that day, whensoever I shall drink it with you, new, in the kingdom of my Father.

And he said unto them - Why was it that ye were seeking me? Perceived ye not, that, in the courts of my Father, I must needs be?

And he said unto another - Be following me! But, he, said - Suffer me, first, to depart, and bury my father.

All things, unto me, have been delivered up by my Father; and, no one, knoweth, who the Son is, save the Father, - and who the Father is, save the Son, and he to whomsoever the Son may be minded to reveal him.

But coming, to himself, he said - How many hired servants of my father, have bread enough and to spare, whereas, I, with famine, here, am perishing!

I will arise, and go unto my father, and will say unto him - Father! I have sinned against heaven, and before thee:

But he said - I request thee then, father, that thou wouldst send him unto my father's house, -

and unto them who were selling, the doves, he said - Take these things hence! Be not making, the house of my Father, a house of merchandise.

I, have come, in the name of my Father, - and ye are not receiving me: If, another, shall come in his own name, him, ye will receive!

They were saying unto him, therefore - Where, is thy father? Jesus answered - Neither, me, do ye know, nor yet my Father: If, me, ye had known, my Father also, had ye known.

Jesus answered - I, have not, a demon, but honour my Father: and, ye, dishonour me.

Jesus answered - If, I, glorify myself, my glory, is nothing: It is, my Father, that glorifieth me, - of whom, ye, say - He is, your God!

Jesus answered them - I told you, and ye believe not: The works which, I, am doing in the name of my Father, the same, bear witness concerning me.

What, my Father, hath given me, is, something greater than all, and, no one, can carry off out of the hand of my Father: -

Jesus answered them - Many works, have I showed you, noble ones, from my Father: For which of those works are ye stoning me?

If ye had been getting to know me, my Father also, had ye known: from henceforth, are ye getting to know him, and have seen him.

Had I not done among them, the works, which, no other, had done, sin, had they none; but, now, have they, both seen and hated both me and my Father.

Jesus saith unto her - Be not detaining me, for, not yet, have I ascended unto the Father; but be going unto my disciples, and say unto them - I am ascending unto my Father and your Father, and my God and your God.

But I confess, this, unto thee, - That, according to the Way which they call a Sect, so, I am rendering divine service unto my father's God, believing in all the things which, throughout the law, and those which, in the prophets, are written:

and he shall shepherd them with a sceptre of iron, - as, vessels of earthenware, are dashed in pieces: - as, I also, have received from my Father.