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And the adversary will answer Jehovah and say, Skin for skin, and all which is to a man he will give for his soul.

Wherefore shall light be given to him toiling, and life to the bitter of soul?

Who will give my asking shall come? and will God give my expectation?

For did I say, Give to me? and from your strength make ye a present for me?

If I called and he will answer me, I shall not believe that he will give ear to my voice.

He will not give me to draw in my spirit, for he will fill me with bitterness.

The earth was given into the hand of the unjust one: he will cover the faces of her judges; if not now, who is it?

And who Will give God speaking, and he will open his lips with thee?

Who will give silence? Ye shall be silent, and it shall be to you for wisdom.

For thou wilt write bitter things against me; and thou wilt give me to inherit the iniquities of my youth.

Who will give thou wilt hide me in hades? wilt thou cover me till the turning away of thine anger? wilt thou set for me a limit, and wilt thou remember me?

To them alone the earth was given, and a stranger passed not in the midst of them.

Who will give now, and my words shall be written? who will give and they shall be delineated in a book?.

Thou wilt not give to the weary one water to drink, and from the hungry one thou wilt withhold bread.

Who will give, I knew to find him: I will come even to his place.

It will he given to him for confidence, and he will rest upon: and his eyes upon their ways.

Shut up gold shall not be given for it, and silver shall not be weighed its price

Who will give me as the months of old, as the days God will watch me?

If the men of my tent said not, Who will give from his flesh? We shall not be satisfied.

Who will give to me hearing to me.? Behold, my sign, the Almighty will answer me, and the man contending with me wrote a book.

And yet hear now, O Job, my speech, and give ear to all my words.

Hear, ye wise, my words; and ye knowing, give ear to me.

If now understanding, hear this: give ear to the voice of my words.

And he will give quiet, and who shall disturb? and he will hide the face, and who shall look upon him? and against a nation and against man wholly:

If thou wert just, what wilt thou give to him? or what shall he take from thy hand?

I will lift up my knowledge from far off, and to him making me, I will give justice.

He will not save alive the unjust one, and he will give the judgment of the poor.

For by them he will judge the peoples; he will give food to abundance.

Wilt thou give strength to the horse? wilt thou clothe his neck with thunder?

The quiver will give forth a whizzing against him, the flame of the spear and the javelin.

Shall companions give a feast upon him? shall they divide him between the Canaanites?

And there will come to him all his brethren and all his sisters, and all knowing him before; and they will eat bread with him in his house: and they will deplore for him, and they will comfort him upon all the evil which Jehovah brought upon him: and they will give to him tack one weight, and each one ring of gold.

And women were not found fair as the daughters of Job, in all the land: and their father will give to them an inheritance in the midst of their brethren.

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