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"{How long} will you say these [things], and the words of your mouth [be] a mighty wind?

If {it is a matter of} strength, look, [he is] mighty. But if {it is a matter of} justice, who can summon me?

There is no arbiter between us [that] he might lay his hand on both of us.

But, {O that} God might speak, and [that] he would open his lips to you,

He pours contempt on noblemen, and he loosens [the] girdle of [the] mighty.

[That] with a pen of iron and [with] lead they might be engraved on a rock forever!

{O that} I knew and [that] I might find him; [O that] I might come to his dwelling.

You have turned cruel to me; you persecute me with your hand's might.

Shall [he who] hates justice really govern? Or will you declare [the] Righteous One, the Mighty, guilty?--

[In] a moment they die, and [in] the middle of [the] night [the] people are shaken, and they pass away, and they take away [the] mighty {effortlessly}.

There is no darkness, and there is no deep shadow where instigators of mischief might hide themselves.

He shatters the mighty without investigation, and he sets others in their place.

"Because of [the] multitude of oppressions, they cry out; they cry for help because of [the] arm of [the] mighty.

Look, God [is] mighty but does not despise [anyone]; [he is] mighty [and] {good in understanding}.

to take hold of the earth's skirts so that the wicked might be shaken off from it?

that you may take it to its territory, and that you might discern the paths to its home?

and it forgets that a foot might crush an egg, and {a wild animal} might trample it.

"Indeed, would you annul my justice? Would you condemn me, so that you might be righteous?

"I will not keep quiet [concerning] its limbs or concerning [the] extent of its might and [the] gracefulness of its frame.

{When it raises itself}, [the] mighty ones are terrified; they retreat because of its thrashing.