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The woman Stupidity, is boisterous, so simple that she knoweth not what she would do;

The lips of the righteous, know what is pleasing, but, the mouth of the lawless, speaketh perversities.

Of the fruit of his mouth, shall a man eat what is good, but, the soul of the treacherous, shall be sated with violence.

When thou sittest to eat with a ruler, thou shall consider well, what is before thee;

Do not say - According to what he hath done to me, so, will I do to him, I will repay every one according to his work.

Do not go forth to strive in haste, - lest thou know not what to do in the latter end thereof, when thy neighbour, hath put thee to shame.

Fining pot for silver, and crucible for gold, and, a man, is to be tried by what he praiseth.

Who hath ascended the heavens and then descended? Who hath gathered the wind into his two hands? Who hath wrapped up the waters in a mantle? Who hath set up all the ends of the earth? What is his name and what the name of his son, when thou knowest?

What, my son? and what, the son of my womb? aye what, the son of my vows?