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Therefore will I make of Samaria a heap in a field, the plantings in a vineyard, - and I will pour down, into the valley, her stones, and, her foundations, will I lay bare;

And, all her images, shall be beaten in pieces, and, all her rewards for unchastity, shall be burned in the fire, and, all her idols, will I make a desolation, - for, out of the reward of unchastity, she gathered them , and, unto the reward of unchastity, shall they return.

For this cause, will I lament and howl, I will go stript and bare, - I will make a lamentation, like the wild dogs, and a mourning, like ostriches.

Make thee bald, and cut off thy hair, for the children of thy pleasures, - enlarge thy baldness, like a vulture, for they are exiled from thee.

Arise ye and depart, for, this, is not the place of rest, - Because it is defiled, it shall make desolate with a desolation that is ruthless.

I will, surely assemble, O Jacob, all of thee, I will, surely gather, the remnant of Israel, at once, will I make them like sheep in distress, - Like a flock in the midst of its pasture, shall they hum with men,

Then, shall they make outcry unto Yahweh, but he will not answer them, - that he may hide his face from them, at that time, even as they have made wicked their doings.

And he will judge between many peoples, and be umpire to strong nations far and wide, - and they will beat their swords into ploughshares, and their spears into pruning-hooks, Nation - against nation - shall not lift up sword, neither shall they learn - any more - to make war.

And they shall dwell - every man - under his own vine and under his own fig-tree, with none to make them afraid, - for, the mouth of Yahweh of hosts, hath spoken.

And will make of her that was lame a residue, and of her that was removed far away a strong nation, - and Yahweh, shall be king, over them, in Mount Zion, from henceforth, even unto times age-abiding.

Arise and thresh, O daughter of Zion, for, thy horn, will I make to be iron, and, thy hoofs, will I make to he bronze, so shalt thou beat in pieces many peoples, - and shalt devote to Yahweh their unrighteous gain, and their substance, to the Lord of all the earth.

Of wickedness with both hands to make sure, the ruler, doth make demand - and the judge - for a recompense, - and, as for the great man, he, is putting into words the desire of his soul, So have they woven the net!