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no one pours fresh wine into old wineskins, otherwise the wine will burst the wineskins, and both wine and wineskins are ruined."

He went into the house of God (Abiathar was high priest then) and ate the loaves of the Presence which no one except the priests is allowed to eat, and also shared them with his followers."

But a heavy squall of wind came on, and the waves splashed into the boat, so that the boat filled.

so the spirits begged him saying, "Send us into the swine, that we may enter them,"

And Jesus gave them leave. Then out came the unclean spirits and entered the swine, and the drove rushed down the steep slope into the sea (there were about two thousand of them) and in the sea they were drowned.

As he was stepping into the boat the lunatic begged that he might accompany him;

And he got into the boat beside them, and the wind dropped. They were utterly astounded,

It does not enter his heart but his belly and passes from that into the drain" (thus he pronounced all food clean).

Leaving there, he went away to the territory of Tyre and Sidon. He went into a house and wished no one to know of it, but he could not escape notice;

So taking him aside from the crowd by himself, he put his fingers into the man's ears, touched his tongue with saliva,

And Jesus sent him home, saying, "Do not go even into the village."

"it has thrown him into fire and water many a time, to destroy him. If you can do anything, do help us, do have pity on us."

for he was teaching his disciples, telling them that the Son of man would be betrayed into the hands of men, that they would kill him, and that when he was killed he would rise again after three days.

If your hand is a hindrance to you, cut it off: better be maimed and get into Life, than keep your two hands and go to Gehenna, to the fire that is never quenched.

If your foot is a hindrance to you, cut it off: better get into Life a cripple, than keep your two feet and be thrown into Gehenna.

If your eye is a hindrance to you, tear it out: better get into God's Realm with one eye, than keep your two eyes and be thrown into Gehenna,

I tell you truly, whoever will not submit to the Reign of God like a child will never get into it at all."

Jesus looked round and said to his disciples, "How difficult it is for those who have money to get into the Realm of God!"

It is easier for a camel to get through a needle's eye than for a rich man to get into the Realm of God."

Now when the ten heard of this, they burst into anger at James and John;

I tell you truly, whoever says to this hill, 'Take and throw yourself into the sea,' and has not a doubt in his mind but believes that what he says will happen, he will have it done.

Sitting down opposite the treasury, he watched the people putting their money into the treasury. A number of the rich were putting in large sums,

And he called his disciples and said to them, "I tell you truly, this poor widow has put in more than all who have put their money into the treasury;

a man on the housetop must not go down into the house or go inside to fetch anything out of his house,

So he despatched two of his disciples, telling them, "Go into the city and you will meet a man carrying a water-jar; follow him,

and whatever house he goes into, tell the owner that the Teacher says, 'Where is my room, that I may eat the passover there with my disciples?'

The disciples went away into the city and found it was as he had told them. So they prepared the passover,

"One of the twelve," he told them, "one who is dipping into the same dish as I am.

Then he came for the third time and said to them, "Still asleep? still resting? No more of that! The hour has come, here is the Son of man betrayed into the hands of sinners.

But he denied it. "I do not know," he said, "I have no idea what you mean." Then he went outside into the passage. The cock crowed.

At that moment the cock crowed for the second time. Then Peter remembered how Jesus had told him, "Before the cock crows twice you will disown me thrice;" and he burst into tears.