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but the angel said to them, be not afraid, I am only come to bring you great news, which will be matter of joy to you and to the whole world.

The eighth day, when the child was to be circumcised, being come, he was named Jesus, the name, which the angel had given before his conception.

and happening to come in just at the same time, she likewise express'd her thanks to the lord, and spoke of Jesus to all those, who expected deliverance in Jerusalem.

being come to Nazareth, where he had been brought up; according to his custom, he went into the synagogue on the sabbath-day, and standing up to read,

but Jesus rebuk'd him, saying, be dumb, and come out of him. upon which the demon threw him down in the midst of the assembly, and came out, without doing him any harm.

and they were all amazed, and said to one another, what's the meaning of this? with authority and power he commands the impure spirits, and they come out!

so they made a signal to their partners in the other ship to come and help them. accordingly they came, and loaded both the boats so with fish that they began to sink.

I came not to call saints, but sinners to repentance. Then they ask'd him, how comes it that John's disciples,

however, the time will come, when the bridegroom shall be taken away from them, and then they will have occasions enow of fasting.

How comes it, that you can see the mote in your brother's eye, and not see the beam that is in your own eye?

I will show you, who that man is like, who comes to me, and practises what I prescribe.

this centurion having heard of Jesus's fame, sent several elders of the Jews to intreat him to come, and recover his servant.

for though I am subject to authority, I have soldiers under me: I bid one go, and he goes: I bid another come, and he comes: I bid my servant do this, and he does it."

accordingly they came to Jesus, and said, John the Baptist sent us to enquire, if you are he that was to come, or must we look for another?

by the stony ground is understood such persons as receive indeed the doctrines they hear, with joy: but for want of resolution, believe only occasionally, and desert when the trial comes.

and country, whence numbers went to see the fact: being come to Jesus, they found the man, who had been dispossess'd of the demons, sitting at Jesus's feet, cloathed, and in his right senses: at which they were much surpriz'd,

Some time after, a person nam'd Jairus, a ruler of the synagogue, came to Jesus, and upon his knees desired him to come to his house:

being come to the house, he suffer'd nobody to go into the room with him, except Peter, John and James, and the young woman's father and mother.

and others, that one of the old prophets was come to life again.

for whoever shall be ashamed of me, and of my doctrine, of him shall the son of man be ashamed, when he shall come in his own glory, and in the glory of his father, and of the holy angels.

The next day, when they were come down from the mountain, a multitude of people happen'd to meet him:

for the son of man is not come to destroy men's lives, but to save them. and they went to another village.

when you come to any city, where they receive you, eat without scruple, whatever food is set before you,

he said therefore to them, when ye pray, say, "our father, which art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. thy kingdom come. thy will be done, on earth, as in heaven.

for a friend of mine, a traveller, is come to my house, and I have nothing to entertain him with.

However, when a man has once lighted his lamp, he does not hide it in a by-place, or under a bushel; but sets it on a stand, that all who come in may have light.

happy those servants, whom the master at his arrival shall find thus watching: I assure you, he shall gird himself, and make them sit at table, and will come to serve them.

happy are the servants he finds in such a state, whether it be at the second or at the third watch of the night, when he comes.

if the master of a house knew at what hour the thief would come, no doubt he would be on his guard, and not suffer him to break into his house.

be ye therefore likewise prepar'd; for the son of man will come, when you least expect him.

I am come to purify the earth with fire, and how do I wish it were already kindled?

but the ruler of the synagogue being highly incensed at Jesus's healing on the sabbath-day, said to the people, there are six days for work, you should come therefore for cure on those days, and not on the sabbath.

yet some shall come from the east, and from the west, from the north, and from the south, and shall be entertain'd in the kingdom of God.

you will soon find your aboad become desolate. I declare unto you, you shall not see me till the time, when you will say, "blessed is he that comes in the name of the Lord."

and he that invited you both, should come and bid you give place to him; and you should have the disgrace of taking the lowest seat.

but when you are invited, go place your self last; that he, who invited you, when he comes, may say to you, friend, go up higher: and that will do you honour before all the company at table.

at supper-time he sent his servant to tell the guests to come, because every thing was ready.

the master reply'd, go then to the high-ways and by-paths, and compel them to come in, that my house may be full.

and when he comes home, call his friends and neighbours together, and say to them, rejoice with me, for I have found my sheep, that was lost?

for this son of mine was dead, and is come to life: he was lost, and is found again. and then they began their feast.

whereas this son of yours, who has eat up his fortune among a pack of loose creatures, is no sooner come but you must kill the fatted calf for him.

Then said Jesus to his disciples, it is impossible but that discouragements should come: but wo to him, who is the occasion of them.

Who of you having a servant, that plows, or feeds your cattle, will immediately upon his coming from field, say to him, come and sit at table?

Upon the Pharisees asking him, when the kingdom of God should come, he answer'd them, the kingdom of God is not usher'd in with pomp and exclamations,

At length he said to his disciples, the time will come, when ye will wish to see the son of man appear, and shall not see him.

but Jesus called the children to him, and said to his disciples, let the children come to me, without any hindrance, for they who belong to the kingdom of God, must be like them.

I declare unto you, he that does not come with the disposition of a child shall not enter into the kingdom of God.

then Jesus stopp'd, and order'd them to bring the man to him, who being come nigh, he ask'd him,

then said Jesus, speaking of him, this day is salvation come to this family, since he is now become a true son of Abraham.

for the time will shortly come, when your enemies shall open their trenches before thee, hem you in, and closely besiege you:

but when the husbandmen saw him, they said to one another, this is the heir: come, let us kill him, that the inheritance may be our own.

he will come and destroy these husbandmen, and give his vineyard to others. but they, taking the hint, cried out, God forbid.

he answered, take care, that you be not seduced: for many shall come in my name, saying, I am the Christ. it won't be long e'er this happens, therefore do not follow them.

The day of unleaven'd bread being come, when the paschal-lamb was to be sacrific'd,

The hour of eating being come, he, and the twelve apostles sat down to table.

for I tell you, I will not drink of the fruit of the vine to the time when the kingdom of God shall come.

then said Jesus to the chief priests, the officers of the temple, and the rulers, who were come to take him, are you come here with swords and staves as in pursuit of a robber?