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When it came to his ears that Jesus had come from Judaea into Galilee, he went to him and made a request that he would come down to his son, who was near to death, and make him well.

When Jesus saw him there on the floor it was clear to him that he had been now a long time in that condition, and so he said to the man, Is it your desire to get well?

And the man became well straight away, and took up his bed and went. Now that day was the Sabbath.

So the Jews said to the man who had been made well, It is the Sabbath; and it is against the law for you to take up your bed.

He said to them, But he who made me well, said to me, Take up your bed and go.

Now he who had been made well had no knowledge who it was, Jesus having gone away because of the number of people who were in that place.

After a time Jesus came across him in the Temple and said to him, See, you are well and strong; do no more sin for fear a worse thing comes to you.

The man went away and said to the Jews that it was Jesus who had made him well.

If a child is given circumcision on the Sabbath so that the law of Moses may not be broken, why are you angry with me because I made a man completely well on the Sabbath?

Then his disciples said to him, Lord, if he is resting he will get well.

He has made their eyes blind, and their hearts hard; for fear that they might see with their eyes and get knowledge with their hearts, and be changed, and I might make them well.