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Yea they were beside themselves and did marvel, saying - Lo! are not all these who are speaking Galilaeans?

And, by the faith of his name, unto this man whom ye see and know, hath his name given strength, - yea, the faith which is through him, hath given unto him this perfect soundness, over against you all!

And Peter began to say unto her - Tell me! was it, for so much, ye gave up the field? And she said - Yea! for so much.

Which of the prophets, did not your fathers persecute? Yea they slew them who declared beforehand concerning the coming of the Righteous One - of whom, now, ye, have become, betrayers and murderers!

And, finding him, he brought him unto Antioch. And so it was with them, that, for a whole year, they were brought together in the assembly, and taught a considerable multitude; also that the disciples, first in Antioch, were called, Christians.

And the captain, coming up, said to him - Tell me! Art, thou, a, Roman? And, he, said - Yea!

which also I did in Jerusalem, yea and, many of the saints, I myself, in prisons, shut up, - the authority, from the High-priests, having received: and, when they were to be put to death, I brought against them my vote;