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The true Jew is not one who is only so publicly, and circumcision is not that which may be seen in the flesh:

Or is God the God of Jews only? is he not in the same way the God of Gentiles? Yes, of Gentiles:

Is this blessing, then, for the circumcision only, or in the same way for those who have not circumcision? for we say that the faith of Abraham was put to his account as righteousness.

And the father of circumcision to those who not only are of the circumcision, but who keep to the way of that faith which our father Abraham had before he underwent circumcision.

Now, it was not because of him only that this was said,

And not only so, but we who have the first fruits of the Spirit, even we have sorrow in our minds, waiting for the time when we will take our place as sons, that is, the salvation of our bodies.

And not only so, but Rebecca being about to have a child by our father Isaac--

Even us, who were marked out by him, not only from the Jews, but from the Gentiles?

And Isaiah says about Israel, Even if the number of the children of Israel is as the sand of the sea, only a small part will get salvation:

One man has faith to take all things as food: another who is feeble in faith takes only green food.

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