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That, in everything, ye have been enriched in him - in all discourse and in all knowledge;

But, as for us, - not the spirit of the world, have we received, but the Spirit which is of God, - that we might know the things which, by God, have been given in favour unto us: -

I, therefore, brethren, have not been able to speak unto you, as unto men of the Spirit, but as unto men of the flesh - as unto babes in Christ: -

But, these things, brethren, have I transferred unto myself and Apollos, for your sakes, that, in us, ye might learn the lesson - Not beyond the things that are written -- ! that ye do not puff yourselves up, individually, for this one against that.

Already, ye have become full, already, ye are become rich, - apart from us, ye are become kings! And I would indeed ye had become kings, that, we also, with you, might have together become kings!

For I think that, God, hath set forth, us the apostles, to be last of all, as men devoted to death, - in that, a spectacle, have we been made, unto the world, - both unto messengers and unto men.

For, though myriads of tutors ye should have in Christ, yet not many fathers; for, in Christ Jesus, through means of the joyful message, I, begat you.

And, ye, have become puffed up, and have not rather mourned, in order that he might be removed out of your midst, who, this deed, hath wrought.

For, I, indeed, - being absent in the body, but present in the spirit, have already judged, as present, him who, thus, this thing hath perpetrated: -

But, now, I have written unto you not to be mixing yourselves up, - if anyone named a brother, be a fornicator, or covetous, or an idolater, or a reviler, or a drunkard, or an extortioner, with such a one as this, not so much, as to be eating together,

If, then, for matters of this, life ye have judgment-seats, them who are of no account in the assembly, these, are ye seating thereupon?

But, concerning them who are virgin, injunction of the Lord, have I none; yet, a judgment, do I give, as one who hath obtained mercy from the Lord to be, faithful:

But, happier, is she, if, so, she remain, - in my judgment; for I think, I also, have the Spirit of God.

Now, concerning the idol-sacrifices, we are aware - because we, all, have knowledge, - knowledge, puffeth up, but, love, buildeth up;

Am not free? Am I not an apostle? Jesus our Lord, have I not seen? Are not, ye, my work, in the Lord?

Have we not a right to take round, a sister wife, - as even the rest of the apostles, and the brethren of the Lord, and Cephas?

Or have, only I and Barnabas, not a right to forbear working?

I, however, have not used any of these things; and have not written these things, in order that, so it should be done, in my case; for it were, good for me, rather to die than - - my boast, shall, no man, make void!

For, if, by choice, this thing I am doing, I have, a reward; but, if not by choice, with a stewardship, have I been entrusted!

I became, unto the weak, weak, - that, the weak, I might win; - to all men, have I become all things, that, by all means, some, I might save.

But, these things, by way of type, were happening unto them, and were written with a view to our admonition, unto whom, the ends of the ages, have reached along.

Now I praise you, that, in all things, ye have me in remembrance, and, even as I delivered unto you the instructions, ye hold them fast.

Doth not, even nature herself, teach you - that, if, a man, have long hair, it is a dishonour to him;

But, if anyone thinketh to be contentious, we, have no such custom, - nor yet the assemblies of God.

What! have ye not houses for your eating and drinking? or, the assembly of God, do ye despise, and, put to shame them who have nothing? What am I to say to you? Shall I praise you? In this, I praise you not.

Andthe eye cannot say unto the hand - I have no need of thee, - nor, again, the head, unto the feet - I have no need of you: -

And, the parts of the body which we deem to be less honourable, on these, more abundant honour, do we bestow, and, our uncomely parts, have, more abundant comeliness,

Whereas, our comely parts, have, no need. But, God, hath tempered the body together, - unto that which was lacking, giving more abundant honour; -

After that, he appeared to above five hundred brethren at once, - of whom, the greater number, remain until even now, but, some, have fallen asleep, -

And we are found, even false-witnesses of God, because we have witnessed respecting God, that he raised the Christ, - whom he did not raise, if, indeed, after all, the dead are not raised!

But whensoever have been put into subjection, unto him, the all things, then, the Son himself, alsoshall be put in subjection unto him who put in subjection, unto him, the all things, - that, God, may be, all things in all.

Day by day, am I dying! - Yea! by your own boasting, brethren, which I have in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Wake up to sobriety, in righteousness, and be not committing sin; for some have, an ignorance of God: for shame, unto you, am I speaking!

Now I will come unto you, as soon as I have passed through Macedonia, - for I do pass through Macedonia,

I Rejoice, moreover, in the presence of Stephanas, and Fortunatus, and Achaicus: because, your own shortcoming, these, have filled up: -

They have given rest, in fact, unto my spirit, and yours: hold in acknowledgment, therefore, such as these.