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that thou do not appear, unto men, to be fasting, but to thy Father who is in secret, - and, thy Father who seeth in secret, will reward thee.

Or what man, from among yourselves, whom his son shall ask for a loaf, - a stone, will give him?

Enter ye in at, the narrow gate; because broad and roomy is the way that leadeth unto destruction, - and, many, are they who enter thereby:

Every one, therefore, who heareth thesemy words, and doeth them, shall be likened to a prudent man, who built his house upon the rock;

And every one who heareth these my words, and doeth them not, shall be likened unto a foolish man, who built his house upon the sand;

And, they who were feeding them, fled, - and, departing into the city, reported all things, and what concerned them who had been demonized.

Now the multitudes, seeing, were struck with fear, and glorified the God who had given authority, such as this, unto men.

Now, the twelve apostles' names, are these: - first Simon, who is called Peter, and Andrew his brother, - and James, the son of Zebedee, and John, his brother;

Simon, the zealot, and Judas Iscariot, who also delivered him up.

But what went ye forth to see? A man, in soft clothing, arrayed? Lo! they who soft clothing do wear, are in the houses of kings.

But, unto what, shall I liken this generation? It is, like, unto children, sitting the market-places, who, calling unto the others,

And he said unto them, have ye never read what, David, did, when he hungered, and they who were with him? how

he entered into the house of God and, the presence-bread, did eat, which it was not, allowable, for him to eat, nor for them who were with him, - save for the priests, alone?

And said unto them, What man, from among yourselves, shall there be, - Who shall have one sheep, and, if this should fall, on the sabbath, into a pit, will not lay hold of it, and raise it?

And, if, I, in Beelzebul, am casting out the demons, In whom are, your sons, casting them out? Wherefore, they, shall be, judges of you.

But, he, answering, said unto him that was telling him, Who is my mother? and who are my brethren?

But, he on the good ground sown, the same, is he who doth hear and understand the word, who, indeed, beareth fruit and produceth, - this, a hundred, and, that, sixty, and, the other, thirty.

And, he, said unto them - Wherefore, every scribe, discipled unto the kingdom of the heavens, is like unto a householder, who putteth forth out of his treasure, things new and old.

And, they who did eat, were about five thousand, men, besides women and children.

And, recognizing him, the men of that place, sent out into all that region, and they brought unto him all who were sick;

And, they who did eat, were four thousand men, besides women and children.

And, Jesus coming into the parts of Caesarea of Philip, began questioning his disciples, saying - Who are men saying that, the Son of Man, is?

He saith unto them - But who say, ye, that I am?

And Jesus, answering, said to him - Happy, art thou, Simon Bar-yona, - because, flesh and blood, revealed it not unto thee, but my Father who is in the heavens.

Verily, I say unto you - There are some of those, here standing, who, indeed, shall in nowise taste of death, until they see the Son of Man, coming in his kingdom.

And, when they came into Capernaum, they who, the half shekel, were receiving, came near unto Peter, and said, Your teacher, doth he not pay the half shekel?

He saith - Yea. And, coming into the house, Jesus anticipated him, saying, How, to thee, doth it seem, Simon? The kings of the earth, of whom receive they dues or tax? from their sons, or from the aliens?

In that hour came, the disciples unto Jesus, saying - Who then is, greatest, in the kingdom of the heavens?

Alas for the world! by reason of the causes of stumbling; for it is, necessary, that the causes of stumbling come, - nevertheless, alas for the man through whom the cause of stumbling cometh!

Again, verilyI say unto you - If two from among you shall agree upon the earth concerning any matter, whatsoever they shall ask, it shall be brought to pass for them, from my Father who is in the heavens;

For this cause, hath the kingdom of the heavens become like unto a man, a king, who wished to settle an account with his servants;

But that servant, going out, found one of his fellow-servants, who owed him, a hundred denaries, and, laying hold of him, he began seizing him by the throat, saying, Pay! if anything thou owest.

But, he, said unto them - Not all, find room for he word, save they to whom it hath been given;

For there, are, eunuchs, who, from their mother's womb, were born so, and there, are, eunuchs, who were made eunuchs, by men, - and there, are, eunuchs, who have made, themselves, eunuchs, for the sake the kingdom of the heavens: He that is able to find room, let him find room.

And, hearing it, the disciples were being struck with the greatest astonishment, saying - Who then can be saved?

For the kingdom of the heavens, is like, a man, a householder, - who went forth with the morning, to hire labourers into his vineyard;

He saith unto them - My cup, indeed, ye shall drink; but, to sit on my right hand and on my left, is not mine to give, - except unto those for whom it hath been prepared by my Father.

and the multitudes, they who were going before him and they who were following after, were crying aloud, saying - Hosanna! to the Son of David, Blessed is he that is coming in the name of the Lord, Hosanna in the highest.

And, when he entered into Jerusalem, all the city was startled, saying - Who is this?

But the Chief-priests and the Scribes, seeing, the marvels that he wrought, and the boys who were crying aloud in the temple, and saying, Hosanna to the Son of David! were greatly displeased;

And, when he, entered, the temple, the Chief-priests and the Elders of the people, came unto him as he was teaching, saying, By what authority, these things, art thou doing? and, who, to thee, gave, this authority?

Another parable, hear ye: - A man there was, a householder, who planted a vineyard, and, a wall around it, placed, and digged in it a wine-vat, and built a tower, and let it out to husbandmen, - and left home.

They say unto him - Miserable men! Miserably, will he destroy them; and will let out, the vineyard, to other husbandmen, who will render unto him the fruits in their seasons.

And those servants, going forth, into the roads, gathered together all whom they found, both bad and good, - and filled was the bride-chamber with guests.

But alas for you, Scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites; because ye are locking up the kingdom of the heavens before men, - for, ye, are not entering, neither, them who are entering, suffer ye to enter.

And, he that hath sworn by the Temple, sweareth by it, and by him who dwelleth therein;

And, he that hath sworn by heaven, sweareth by the throne of God, and by him who sitteth thereupon.

So that ye bear witness against yourselves, that ye are, sons, of them who murdered the prophets.

That there may come upon you - all righteous blood poured out upon the earth, from the blood of Abel the righteous, unto the blood of Zachariah, son of Barachiah, whom ye murdered between the Temple and the altar.

Then, they who are in Judaea, let them flee into the mountains;

Who then is the faithful and prudent servant, whom the master hath appointed over his household, to give them food in season?

Then, will the kingdom of the heavens become like unto, ten virgins, who, taking their torches, went forth to meet the bridegroom.

But, as they were going away to buy, the bridegroom came; and, they who were ready, went in with him, into the marriage-feast, and, the door was locked.

For it is, just as a man, who, going from home, called his own servants, and delivered up to them his substance;

Straightway, he who, the five talents, had received, went and traded with them, and gained other five:

And he who the five talents had received, coming forward, brought other five talents, saying, - Lord! five talents, to me, thou didst deliver up: See! other five talents, I gained.

But he also who, the one talent, had received, coming forward, said - Lord I knew thee, that thou art a, hard, man, reaping, where thou hast not sown, - and gathering, whence thou hast not winnowed;

Then, were gathered together, the High-priests and the Elders of the people, into the court of the High-priest who was called Caiaphas;

And, he, answering, said - He who hath dipped with me his hand in the bowl, the same, will deliver me up.

The Son of Man, indeed, goeth his way, according as it is written concerning him, - But alas! for that man, through whom the Son of Man, is being delivered up: Well, had it been for him, if, that man, had not been born!

And Judas, who was delivering him up, answering, said - Can it be, I, Rabbi? He saith unto him - Thou, hast said.

And, he who was delivering him up, gave them a sign, saying - Whomsoever I shall kiss, he, it is, - secure him.

Then, Jesus saith unto him - Put back thy sword into its place, for, all they who take a sword, by a sword, shall perish.

And, they who secured Jesus, led him away unto Caiaphas the High-priest, where the Scribes and the Elders gathered themselves together.

saying - Prophesy unto us, O Christ! Who is he that struck thee?

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