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But, this was because of the false brethren secretly introduced, - who, indeed, came in secretly to spy out our freedom, which we have in Christ Jesus, that they might bring us into bondage: -

Moreover, from them who were reputed to be something, - whatsoever at one time, they were, maketh no difference to me, God accepteth not a man's person, - unto me, in fact, they who were of repute added nothing further;

But, on the contrary, - when they saw that I had been entrusted with the glad-message to the uncircumcision, even as, Peter, with that to the circumcision,

And when they perceived the favour which had been given unto me, James and Cephas and John, who were reputed to be pillars, gave, the right hand of fellowship, unto me and Barnabas, in order that, we, should go unto the nations, and, they, unto the circumcision: -

For, before that certain came from James, with them of the nations, used he to eat; whereas, when they came, he used to withdraw, and keep himself separate, fearing them of the circumcision;

But, when I saw that they were not walking with straightforwardness as regardeth the truth of the glad-message, I said unto Cephas, before all: If, thou, although, a Jew, like them of the nations, and not like the Jews, dost live, how dost thou compel, them of the nations, to live like Jews?

They shew a zeal for you, not honourably, but wish, to shut you out, in order that ye may be zealous for, them.

envyings, drunkenness, revellings; - and such things as these: as to which I forewarn you, even as I have forewarned you, - that, they who such things as these do practise, shall not inherit, God's kingdom.

As many as are wishing to make a good show in flesh, the same, are compelling you to get circumcised, - only that, for the cross of Christ Jesus, they may not be suffering persecution!

For, not even they who are getting circumcised, are, themselves, observing law, - but are wishing you to be circumcised, that, in your flesh, they may boast themselves.

All the saints salute you, but especially they who are of Caesar's household.

The which things, indeed, though they have, an appearance, of wisdom, in self-devised religious observance, and lowliness of mind, and ill-treatment of body, are, in no honourable way, unto a satisfying of the flesh.

Together with Onesimus, the faithful and beloved brother, who is from among you: - all things, unto you, will they make known, that are taking place here.

And Jesus, he that is called Justus, - they being of the circumcision; these only, are my fellow-workers unto the kingdom of God, men who have been, unto me, a comfort.

For, they themselves, concerning us, do tell - what manner of entrance we had unto you, and how ye turned unto God from the idols - to be serving a living and true God,

For, ye, became, imitators, brethren, of the assemblies of God which are in Judaea, in Christ Jesus, in that, the same things, ye, also suffered by your own fellow-countrymen, even as, they, also by the Jews:

Hindering us from speaking, unto the nations, that they might be saved, to the filling up of their own sins, continually; but anger hath overtaken them at length.

And with all manner of deceit of unrighteousness, in them who are destroying themselves, because, the love of the truth, they did not welcome, that they might be saved; -

And, for this cause, God sendeth them an inworking of error, to the end they should believe in the falsehood, -

Now, such as these, we charge and exhort in the Lord Jesus Christ, - that, with quietness, working, their own bread, they be eating.

Desiring to be law-teachers, - not understanding, either what they say or whereof they confidently affirm.

Of whom are Hymenaeus and Alexander; whom I have delivered unto Satan, that they may be taught by discipline not to be defaming.

She shall be saved, however, through means of the child-bearing, - if they abide in faith, and love, and holiness, with sobermindedness. Faithful, the saying.

For, they who have ministered well, a good degree for themselves, are acquiring, and great freedom of speech in the faith that is in Christ Jesus.

And, these things, be giving in charge, that, without reproach, they may be;

But, younger widows, decline thou; for, as soon as they wax wanton against the Christ, to marry, are they determined, -

Having, as sentence, - that, their first faith, they have set at nought;

At the same time, to be idlers, are they learning, going about from house to house; and, not only idlers, but, gossips, also, and, busybodies, - saying the things they ought not,

Some men's sins, are, openly evident, leading on into judgment, with some, however, they even follow after;

In the same way, the noble works also, are openly evident, - and, they that are otherwise, cannot be hid.

They, however, that have believing masters, let them not despise them, because they are, brethren but, the more, be doing them service, because, believing and beloved, are they who, from the good workmanship, receive advantage. These things, be teaching, and exhorting: -

Treasuring up for themselves a good foundation for the future, that they may lay hold on the life which is life indeed.

Thou knowest this - that all they who are in Asia have turned away from me, - of whom are Phygelus and Hermogenes.

For this cause, am I enduring, all things, for the sake of the chosen, in order that, they also, may obtain, the salvation, which is in Christ Jesus along with glory age-abiding.

For, of these, are they who enter into the houses, and captivate silly women, women laden with sins, led on by manifold covetings,

But they shall not force their way further, for, their folly, shall be, fully evident, unto all, - as also, that of those men, became.

For there will be a season - when, the healthful teaching, they will not endure, but, according to their own covetings, will, unto themselves, heap up teachers, because they have an itching ear,

This witness, is true, - for which cause, be reproving them sharply, that they may be healthy in their faith,

not taking anything away, shewing, all good faith, - that, the instruction which is of our Saviour God, they may adorn in all things.

Faithful, the saying! And, concerning these things, I am minded that thou be strongly affirming, in order that they who have believed God may be careful to be forward, in noble works. These things, are honourable, and profitable unto men;

All they who are with me salute thee. Salute thou them who regard us with faithful affection. Favour, be with you all.

They, shall perish, but, thou, abidest still, and, all, as a mantle, shall be worn out,

And, as if a robe, wilt thou fold them up, - as a mantle, and they shall be changed; but, thou, art the same, and thy years shall not fail.

Wherefore I was sore vexed with this generation, and said, Always err they in their heart; - howbeit, they, learned not my ways:

So I sware in mine anger - they shall not enter into my rest! -

For, who, though they heard, caused embitterment? Nay, indeed! did not all who come forth out of Egypt through Moses?

But, unto whom, sware he, that they should not enter into his rest, - save unto them who were obstinate?

For we have had delivered to us the joyful message, just as even, they; but the word which was heard did not profit them, they not having been blended, by faith, with the things heard.

For we who have believed, are to enter into the rest, according as he hath said - So I sware in mine anger, They shall not enter into my rest; And yet, the works, from the foundation of the world, had been brought into existence,

And in this again - They shall not enter into my rest.

Seeing, therefore, that it is left over for, some, to enter into it, and, they who formerly had delivered to them the joyful message, entered not in by reason of obstinacy, -

And who have fallen away, again, to be remoulding them into repentance; seeing they are again crucifying unto themselves the Son of God, and holding him up as an example.

And, they, indeed, from among the sons of Levi who the priesthood receive, have commandment to take tithes of the people, according to the law, that is, of their brethren, although sprung from the loins of Abraham;

For, they, indeed, apart from oath-taking, have been made priests, but, he, with an oath-taking, through him that was saying unto him - The Lord sware, and will not regret, - Thou, art a priest, age-abidingly

And, they, indeed, in greater numbers, have been made priests, because, by reason of death, are they hindered from remaining at hand;

Not according to the covenant which I made with their fathers, in the day when I took them by their hand, to lead them forth out of the land of Egypt, - because, they, abode not in my covenant, and, I, disregarded them, saith the Lord.

Because, this, is the covenant which I will make with the house of Israel, after those days, saith the Lord: - giving my laws into their understanding, upon their hearts also, will I inscribe them: and I will become their God, and, they, shall become my people;

And in nowise shall they teach - every one his fellow-citizen, and every one his brother, saying, - Get to know the Lord! Because, all, shall know me, from the least unto the greatest of them;

Else would they not, in that case, have ceased being offered, by reason of those rendering the divine service having no further conscience at all of sins, being once for all purified?

For, they who such things as these are saying, make it clear that, of a paternal home they are in quest;

And, if indeed of that they had been mindful, from which they had come out, they might, in that case, have had an opportunity, to return;

By faith, they passed through the Red Sea, as over dry land, - which the Egyptians, seizing an attempt to do, were swallowed up.

They were stoned, were pierced through, were sawn asunder, by murder, with a sword, died, went about in sheep-skins, in goat-hides, - being in want, suffering tribulation, enduring ill-treatment:

And, these all, though they obtained witness through their faith, yet bare not away, the promise:

For, they, indeed, for a few days, according to that which seemed good to them, were administering discipline; but, he, unto that which is profitable, with view to our partaking of his holiness:

And a trumpets peal, - and a sound of things spoken: - from which they who heard excused themselves, lest there should be added to them, a word;