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And man will bow down, and a man will humble himself, and thou shalt not lift up to them.

And the people were pressed, man by man, and a man by his neighbor: the boy shall enlarge himself against the old man and the despised against the honorable.

And the land of Judah was to Egypt for consternation, all which shall have it in remembrance shall be afraid to himself from the face of the counsel of Jehovah of armies which he shall counsel against it

What to thee here, and who to thee here, that thou hewedst to thee here a tomb, he hewing from on high his tomb and cutting in a dwelling in a rock to himself?

And Assur fell by the sword, not of a man, and the sword not of a man, shall consume him, and he fled for himself from the face of the sword, and his young men shall be for tribute.

To cut down for him cedars, and he will take the fir tree and the oak, and he will strengthen for himself among the trees of the forest: he planted an ash and the rain will cause to grow.

And the son of the stranger joining himself to Jehovah, shall not say, saying, Jehovah separating, will separate me from his people; and the eunuch shall not say, Behold me a dry tree.

And he will put on justice as a coat of mail, and a helmet of salvation upon his head; and be will put on robes of vengeance a garment, and he will clothe himself with zeal as an upper garment

Who this coming from Edom, splendid with garments from Bozra? this adorned in his attire, bowing himself in his strength? I, speaking in justice, great for salvation.

That he praising himself in the earth shall praise himself in the true God; and he swearing in the earth, shall swear in the true God; for the former straits were forgotten, and because they were hid from mine eyes.