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The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave to him, to point out unto his servants the things which must needs come to pass with speed, - and he shewed them by signs, sending through his messenger, unto his servant John;

After these things, I saw, and lo! a door set open in heaven; and, the first voice which I heard as of a trumpet, speaking with me, saying - Come up hither! and I will point out to thee the things which must needs come to pass. After these things,

And, if any one, upon them, chooseth to inflict injury, fire, cometh forth out of their mouth, and devoureth their enemies; and, if anyone shall choose, upon them, to inflict injury, thus, must he be slain.

If anyone carrieth into captivity, into captivity, he goeth away. If anyone, with a sword, doth slay, he must, with a sword, be slain. Here, is the endurance and the faith of the saints.

and they are, seven kings: the five, have fallen, the one, is, the other, hath not yet come; and, whensoever he shall come, a little while, must he remain,

and cast him into the abyss, and fastened and sealed it over him, - that he might not deceive the nations any more, until the thousand years, should be ended: after these, must he be loosed for a short time.

And he said unto me - -These words, are faithful and true; and, the Lord, the God of the spirits of the prophets, hath sent his messenger, to point out, unto his servants, the things which must needs come to pass with speed.