Thematic Bible

Thematic Bible

A man shall be commended for his wisdom; but a fool shall be despised.

Then said I, "Wisdom is better than strength." Nevertheless, a simple man's wisdom is despised, and his words are not heard.

Me thinketh that God hath set forth us, which are apostles, for the lowest of all: as it were, men appointed to death. For we are a gazingstock unto the world, and to the angels, and to men. We are fools for Christ's sake, and ye are wise through Christ: we are weak, and ye are strong. Ye are honorable, and we are despised.

Now, therefore, ye are no more strangers and foreigners: but citizens with the saints, and of the household of God, and are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets - Jesus Christ being the head cornerstone -

And the wall of the city had twelve foundations, and in them the names of the Lamb's twelve apostles.

When he saw the people he went up into a mountain: and when he was set, his disciples came to him: and he opened his mouth, and taught them, saying, "Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. read more.
Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted. Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth. Blessed are they which hunger and thirst for righteousness: for they shall be filled. Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy. Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God. Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God. Blessed are they which suffer persecution for righteousness sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are ye when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall falsely say all manner of evil sayings against you for my sake. Rejoice, and be glad: for great is your reward in heaven: For so persecuted they the prophets which were before your days. "Ye are the salt of the earth: but and if the salt have lost her saltiness, what can be salted therewith? It is thenceforth good for nothing, but to be cast out, and to be trodden underfoot of men. Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill, cannot be hid, neither do men light a candle and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick, and it lighteth all them that are in the house. Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your father which is in heaven.

While he yet talked to the people, behold, his mother and his brethren stood without the doors, desiring to speak with him. Then one said unto him, "Behold, thy mother and thy brethren stand without, desiring to speak with thee." He answered and said to him that told him, "Who is my mother? Or who are my brethren?" read more.
And he stretched forth his hand over his disciples, and said, "Behold my mother and my brethren. For whosoever doth my father's will which is in heaven, the same is my brother, my sister, and my mother."

And Jesus answered, and said to him, "Happy art thou, Simon the son of Jonas, for flesh and blood hath not opened unto thee that, but my father which is in heaven. And I say also unto thee, that thou art Peter. And upon this rock, I will build my congregation: and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.

And then came his mother and his brethren, and stood without, and sent unto him and called him: And the people sat about him, and said unto him, "Behold, thy mother and thy brethren seek for thee without." And he answered them, saying, "Who is my mother, and my brethren?" read more.
And he looked round about on his disciples, which sat in compass about him, and said, "Behold, my mother, and my brethren: For whosoever doeth the will of God, he is my brother, my sister and mother."

Me thinketh that God hath set forth us, which are apostles, for the lowest of all: as it were, men appointed to death. For we are a gazingstock unto the world, and to the angels, and to men. We are fools for Christ's sake, and ye are wise through Christ: we are weak, and ye are strong. Ye are honorable, and we are despised. Even unto this day we hunger and thirst, and are naked, and are buffeted with fists, and have no certain dwelling place, read more.
and labour working with our own hands. We are reviled, and yet we bless. We are persecuted, and suffer it. We are evil spoken of, and we pray. We are made as it were the filthiness of the world, the offscouring of all things, even unto this time.

Me thinketh that God hath set forth us, which are apostles, for the lowest of all: as it were, men appointed to death. For we are a gazingstock unto the world, and to the angels, and to men. We are fools for Christ's sake, and ye are wise through Christ: we are weak, and ye are strong. Ye are honorable, and we are despised.

That I have fought with beasts at Ephesus after the manner of men, what advantageth it me, if the dead rise not again? "Let us eat and drink, tomorrow we shall die."

I therefore so run, not as at an uncertain thing. So fight I, not as one that beateth the air:

Me thinketh that God hath set forth us, which are apostles, for the lowest of all: as it were, men appointed to death. For we are a gazingstock unto the world, and to the angels, and to men.

Whoso keepeth his fig tree, shall enjoy the fruits thereof; he that waiteth upon his master, shall come to honour.

Whoso followeth righteousness and mercy, findeth both life, righteousness and honour.

{To the Chanter upon Gittith, a Psalm of David} O LORD our governour; how excellent is thy name in all the world; thou hast set thy glory above the heavens! Out of the mouth of the very babes and sucklings hast thou ordained strength, because of thine enemies, that thou mightest still the enemy and the avenger. For I will consider thy heavens, even the work of thy fingers, the moon and the stars which thou hast ordained. read more.
What is man, that thou art mindful of him? And what is the son of man that thou visitest him? Thou madest him lower than the angels, to crown him with glory and worship.

To every man that doth good shall come praise, honour and peace, to the Jew first, and also to the gentile.

For he shall never be moved, and the righteous shall be had in an everlasting remembrance. He will not be afraid of any evil tidings, for his heart standeth fast, and believeth in the LORD. His heart is stablished, and will not shrink, until he sees his desire upon his enemies. read more.
He hath dispersed abroad, and given to the poor, his righteousness remaineth for ever; his horn shall be exalted with honor.

He that thinketh scorn to be reformed, cometh to poverty and shame; but whoso receiveth correction, shall come to honour.

Now ye are full: now ye are made rich: ye reign as kings without us: and I would to God ye did reign, that we might reign with you. Me thinketh that God hath set forth us, which are apostles, for the lowest of all: as it were, men appointed to death. For we are a gazingstock unto the world, and to the angels, and to men. We are fools for Christ's sake, and ye are wise through Christ: we are weak, and ye are strong. Ye are honorable, and we are despised.

"No man lighteth a candle, and putteth it in a privy place, neither under a bushel: But on a candlestick, that they that come in, may see the light.

Me thinketh that God hath set forth us, which are apostles, for the lowest of all: as it were, men appointed to death. For we are a gazingstock unto the world, and to the angels, and to men.

Me thinketh that God hath set forth us, which are apostles, for the lowest of all: as it were, men appointed to death. For we are a gazingstock unto the world, and to the angels, and to men. We are fools for Christ's sake, and ye are wise through Christ: we are weak, and ye are strong. Ye are honorable, and we are despised. Even unto this day we hunger and thirst, and are naked, and are buffeted with fists, and have no certain dwelling place, read more.
and labour working with our own hands. We are reviled, and yet we bless. We are persecuted, and suffer it. We are evil spoken of, and we pray. We are made as it were the filthiness of the world, the offscouring of all things, even unto this time.

And as he went out of the temple, one of his disciples said unto him, "Master, see what stones, and what buildings are here?" And Jesus answered, and said unto him, "Seest thou these great buildings? There shall not be left one stone upon another, that shall not be thrown down." And as he sat on mount Olivet over against the temple, Peter and James and John and Andrew asked him secretly, read more.
"When shall these things be? And what is the sign, when all these things shall be fulfilled?" And Jesus answered them, and began to say, "Take heed, lest any man deceive you. For many shall come in my name, saying, 'I am Christ,' and shall deceive many. When ye shall hear of war, and tidings of war, be ye not troubled. For such things must needs be. But the end is not yet. For there shall nation arise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. And there shall be earthquakes, in all quarters, and famishment, and troubles. These are the beginning of sorrows. But take ye heed to yourselves. For they shall bring you up to the councils, and into the synagogues, and ye shall be beaten, and ye shall be brought before rulers and kings, for my sake, for a testimonial unto them. And the gospel must first be published among all nations. But when they lead you, and present you, take no thought aforehand what ye shall say, neither imagine: but whatsoever is given you at the same time, that speak. For it shall not be ye that shall speak, but the holy ghost. Yea, and the brother shall deliver the brother to death. And the father the son, and the children shall rise against their fathers and mothers, and shall put them to death. And ye shall be hated of all men for my name's sake. But whosoever shall endure unto the end, the same shall be safe.

"Behold, I send you forth as sheep among wolves: Be ye therefore wise as serpents, and innocent as doves. Beware of men: for they shall deliver you up to the councils, and shall scourge you in their synagogues; And ye shall be brought to the head rulers and kings for my sake, in witness to them and to the Gentiles. read more.
But when they deliver you up, take no thought, how, or what ye shall speak: for it shall be given you even in that same hour, what ye shall say. For it is not ye that speak, but the spirit of your father which speaketh in you. The brother shall betray the brother to death, and the father the son: and the children shall arise against their fathers, and mothers, and shall put them to death, and ye shall be hated of all men, for my name: but he that shall endureth unto the end, shall be saved. When they persecute you in one city, fly into another: I tell you for a truth, ye shall not finish all the cities of Israel, till the son of man be come. The disciple is not above his Master, nor yet the servant above his Lord. It is enough for the disciple to be as his Master is, and that the servant be as his Lord is. If they have called the Lord of the house Beelzebub: how much more shall they call them of his household so?

And Jesus went out and departed from the temple: and his disciples came to him, for to show him the building of the temple. Jesus said unto them, "See ye not all these things? Verily I say unto you, There shall not be here left one stone upon another, that shall not be cast down." And as he sat upon the mount Olivet, his disciples came unto him secretly, saying, "Tell us, when these things shall be: and what sign shall be of thy coming, and of the end of the world?" read more.
And Jesus answered, and said unto them, "Take heed that no man deceive you; For many shall come in my name saying, 'I am Christ': and shall deceive many. Ye shall hear of wars, and of the fame of wars, but see that ye be not troubled, for all must come to pass; but the end is not yet. For nation shall rise against nation, and realm against realm: and there shall be pestilence, and hunger, and earthquakes in all quarters. All these are the beginning of sorrows. Then shall they put you to trouble, and shall kill you, and ye shall be hated of all nations for my name's sake: And then shall many be offended, and shall betray one another, and shall hate one the other.

And some spake of the temple, how it was garnished with goodly stones, and jewels. He said, "The days will come, when of these things which ye see, shall not be left stone upon stone that shall not be thrown down." And they asked him, saying, "Master, when shall these things be? And what signs will there be, when such things shall come to pass?" read more.
And he said, "Take heed, that ye be not deceived. For many will come in my name, saying of themselves, 'I am he.' And the time draweth near. Follow ye not them, therefore. But when ye hear of war, and of dissension: be not afraid, for these things must first come: but the end followeth not by and by." Then said he unto them, "Nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom, one realm against another; and great earthquakes shall be in all quarters, and hunger, and pestilence, and fearful things. And great signs shall there be from heaven. But before all these, they shall lay their hands on you, and persecute you: delivering you up to the synagogues, and into prison: and bring you before kings and rulers for my name's sake. And this shall chance you for a testimonial. Let it stick therefore fast in your hearts, not once to study before, what ye shall answer for yourselves: For I will give you a mouth and wisdom, where against all your adversaries shall not be able to speak nor resist. Yea, and ye shall be betrayed of your fathers and mothers, and of your brethren, and kinsmen, and lovers. And some of you shall they put to death. And hated shall ye be of all men for my name's sake. Yet there shall not one hair of your heads perish. With your patience, possess your souls.

I am the true vine, and my father is a husbandman. Every branch that beareth not fruit in me, he will take away. And every branch that beareth fruit will he purge, that it may bring more fruit. Now are ye clean, through the words which I have spoken unto you. read more.
Abide in me, and let me abide in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine: no more can ye, except ye abide in me. I am the vine, and ye are the branches. He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit. For without me can ye do nothing. If a man abide not in me, he is cast forth as a branch, and is withered: and men gather it and cast it into the fire, and it burneth. If ye abide in me, and my words also abide in you: ask what ye will, and it shall be done to you. Herein is my father glorified, that ye bear much fruit, and be made my disciples. "AS the father hath loved me, even so have I loved you. Continue in my love. If ye shall keep my commandments, ye shall abide in my love: even as I have kept my father's commandments, and abide in his love. These things have I spoken unto you, that my joy might remain in you, and that your joy might be full. This is my commandment: that ye love together as I have loved you. Greater love than this hath no man, than that a man bestow his life for his friends. Ye are my friends, if ye do whatsoever I command you. Henceforth, call I you not servants: For the servant knoweth not what his Lord doeth. But you have I called friends: For all things that I have heard of my father, I have opened to you. Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you and ordained you that ye go, and bring forth fruit, and that your fruit remain, that whatsoever ye shall ask of the father in my name he should give it you. This command I you, that ye love together. "If the world hate you, ye know that he hated me before he hated you. If ye were of the world, the world would love his own. Howbeit, because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore hateth you the world. Remember the saying, that I said unto you, 'The servant is not greater than the Lord.' If they have persecuted me, so will they persecute you. If they have kept my saying, so will they keep yours.

These things have I said unto you because ye should not be offended. They shall excommunicate you: yea the time shall come, that whosoever killeth you, will think that he doth God true service. And such things will they do unto you, because they have not known the father, neither yet me. read more.
But these things have I told you: that when that hour is come, ye might remember then, that I told you so. These things said I not unto you at the beginning, because I was present with you.

That I have fought with beasts at Ephesus after the manner of men, what advantageth it me, if the dead rise not again? "Let us eat and drink, tomorrow we shall die."

Me thinketh that God hath set forth us, which are apostles, for the lowest of all: as it were, men appointed to death. For we are a gazingstock unto the world, and to the angels, and to men.

Now ye are full: now ye are made rich: ye reign as kings without us: and I would to God ye did reign, that we might reign with you. Me thinketh that God hath set forth us, which are apostles, for the lowest of all: as it were, men appointed to death. For we are a gazingstock unto the world, and to the angels, and to men. We are fools for Christ's sake, and ye are wise through Christ: we are weak, and ye are strong. Ye are honorable, and we are despised.

seeing that ye seek experience of Christ which speaketh in me, which among you is not weak, but is mighty in you. And verily, though it came of weakness that he was crucified, yet liveth he through the power of God: and we no doubt are weak in him; but we shall live with him, by the might of God among you. Prove yourselves whether ye are in the faith or not. Examine your own selves: know ye not your own selves, how that Jesus Christ is in you, except ye be castaways?

I write unto you fathers, how that ye have known him that was from the beginning. I write unto you young men, how that ye have overcome the wicked. I write unto you young children, how that ye know the father. I write unto you fathers, how that ye have known him that was from the beginning. I write unto you young men, how that ye be strong; and the word of God dwelleth in you, that ye have overcome the wicked.

For this thing besought I the Lord thrice, that it might depart from me, and he said unto me, "My grace is sufficient for thee. For my strength is made perfect through weakness." Very gladly therefore will I rejoice of my weakness, that the strength of Christ may dwell in me. Therefore have I delectation in infirmities, in rebukes, in need, in persecutions, in anguish, for Christ's sake. For when I am weak, then am I strong.

Me thinketh that God hath set forth us, which are apostles, for the lowest of all: as it were, men appointed to death. For we are a gazingstock unto the world, and to the angels, and to men. We are fools for Christ's sake, and ye are wise through Christ: we are weak, and ye are strong. Ye are honorable, and we are despised. Even unto this day we hunger and thirst, and are naked, and are buffeted with fists, and have no certain dwelling place, read more.
and labour working with our own hands. We are reviled, and yet we bless. We are persecuted, and suffer it. We are evil spoken of, and we pray. We are made as it were the filthiness of the world, the offscouring of all things, even unto this time.

Be sober, and watch. For your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour: whom resist, steadfast in the faith, remembering that ye do but fulfill the same afflictions which are appointed to your brethren that are in the world. The God of all grace - which called you unto his eternal glory by Christ Jesus - shall his own self, after ye have suffered a little affliction, make you perfect: shall settle, strengthen, and establish you.

Me thinketh that God hath set forth us, which are apostles, for the lowest of all: as it were, men appointed to death. For we are a gazingstock unto the world, and to the angels, and to men. We are fools for Christ's sake, and ye are wise through Christ: we are weak, and ye are strong. Ye are honorable, and we are despised.

Wisdom resteth in the heart of him that hath understanding; and he will teach them that are unlearned.

Yea, a very fool, when he holdeth his tongue, is counted wise; and to have understanding, when he shutteth his lips.