Thematic Bible

Thematic Bible

Who are you to criticize another’s household slave? Before his own Lord he stands or falls. And he will stand. For the Lord is able to make him stand.

The person who sins is the one who will die. A son won’t suffer punishment for the father’s iniquity, and a father won’t suffer punishment for the son’s iniquity. The righteousness of the righteous person will be on him, and the wickedness of the wicked person will be on him.

“Fathers are not to be put to death for their children or children for their fathers; each person will be put to death for his own sin.

Even if it is true that I have sinned,
my mistake concerns only me.

If you are wise, you are wise for your own benefit;
if you mock, you alone will bear the consequences.”

Rather, each will die for his own wrongdoing. Anyone who eats sour grapes—his own teeth will be set on edge.

Who are you to criticize another’s household slave? Before his own Lord he stands or falls. And he will stand. For the Lord is able to make him stand.

For by your words you will be acquitted, and by your words you will be condemned.”

The person who sins is the one who will die. A son won’t suffer punishment for the father’s iniquity, and a father won’t suffer punishment for the son’s iniquity. The righteousness of the righteous person will be on him, and the wickedness of the wicked person will be on him.

“Fathers are not to be put to death for their children or children for their fathers; each person will be put to death for his own sin.

Now the one planting and the one watering are one in purpose, and each will receive his own reward according to his own labor.

“If you were blind,” Jesus told them, “you wouldn’t have sin. But now that you say, ‘We see’—your sin remains.

Even if it is true that I have sinned,
my mistake concerns only me.

If you are wise, you are wise for your own benefit;
if you mock, you alone will bear the consequences.”

Rather, each will die for his own wrongdoing. Anyone who eats sour grapes—his own teeth will be set on edge.

“Therefore, house of Israel, I will judge each one of you according to his ways.” This is the declaration of the Lord God. “Repent and turn from all your transgressions, so they will not be a stumbling block that causes your punishment.

If I had not come and spoken to them, they would not have sin. Now they have no excuse for their sin. The one who hates Me also hates My Father. If I had not done the works among them that no one else has done, they would not have sin. Now they have seen and hated both Me and My Father.

each one's work will become obvious, for the day will disclose it, because it will be revealed by fire; the fire will test the quality of each one's work. If anyone's work that he has built survives, he will receive a reward. If anyone's work is burned up, it will be lost, but he will be saved; yet it will be like an escape through fire.

I will kill her children with the plague. Then all the churches will know that I am the One who examines minds and hearts, and I will give to each of you according to your works.