Thematic Bible

Thematic Bible

But as for you who forsake the LORD, who forget my holy mountain, who spread a table for Fortune and fill drink offerings for Destiny, I'll consign you to the sword, and all of you will bend down for the slaughter because when I called, you didn't answer, when I spoke, you didn't listen; but you did what was evil in my sight, and chose what I took no pleasure in." Therefore, this is what the LORD says: "See, my servants will eat, but you'll go hungry; my servants will drink, but you'll go thirsty; my servants will rejoice, but you'll be put to shame. read more.
My servants will sing in gladness of heart, but you'll cry for help from anguish of heart, and you'll howl from brokenness of spirit. You'll leave your name to my chosen ones as a curse, and the Lord GOD will put you to death permanently.

My people are destroyed because they lack knowledge of me. Because you rejected that knowledge, I will reject you as a priest for me. Since you forget the Law of your God, I will also forget your children.

"Therefore, this is what the LORD says: "Ask the nations. Who has ever heard of anything like this? You have done a most horrible thing, virgin Israel. Does the snow of Lebanon ever vanish from its rocky slopes? Or does the cold water from a foreign land ever cease to flow? Yet my people have forgotten me, and they burn incense to worthless idols that make them stumble in their journey on the ancient paths. They walk on trails, on a way that is not built up. read more.
They make their land into a desolate place, an object of lasting scorn. All who pass by will be appalled and will shake their heads. "Like the east wind, I'll scatter them before the enemy. I'll show them my back and not my face, on the day of their downfall.'"

If you neglect the LORD your God, follow other gods, and serve and worship them, I testify to you today that you will certainly be destroyed. Just like the nations whom the LORD destroyed before you, so will you be destroyed, because you did not listen to the voice of the LORD your God."

They sacrificed to demons not to the real God gods whom they didn't know, new neighbors who had recently appeared, whom your ancestors never feared. You neglected the Rock that fathered you; you abandoned God, who was awaiting your birth. The LORD saw it and became jealous, provoked by his sons and daughters. read more.
So he said: "Let me hide my face from them. I will observe what their end will be, because they are a perverted generation, children within whom there is no loyalty. They provoked me to jealousy over non-gods, and to be angry over their vanity. Now I'll provoke them to jealousy over a non-people; and over a foolish nation I'll provoke them to anger. For a fire breaks out in my anger burning to the deepest part of the afterlife, consuming the earth and its produce and igniting the foundations of the mountains. I'll bury them in misfortunes and bring them to an end with my arrows. Emaciated from famine, feverish from plague, and destroyed by bitterness, I'll send fanged beasts against them, along with poisonous snakes that glide through the dust.

They fashioned a calf at Horeb and worshipped a carved image. They exchanged their glory with the image of a grass-eating bull. They forgot God their Savior, who performed great things in Egypt read more.
awesome deeds in the land of Ham, astonishing deeds at the Reed Sea. He would have destroyed them but for Moses, his chosen one, who stood in the breach before him to avert his destructive wrath.

"Israel has neglected its maker in building palaces. Judah has multiplied its fortified cities, but I will send fire to their cities, and it will consume their fortresses."

"I am the LORD your God from the land of Egypt, and you have known no god except for me, because except for me there is no savior. I took care of you in the wilderness, in a waterless land. As their pastures flourished, all their desires were met. As they were satiated, they became arrogant and therefore ignored me. read more.
"So I will be like a lion to them. Like a leopard I will stalk them along the road. I will confront them like a bear deprived of her cubs; I will tear open their ribs. I will devour them like a lion the wild beasts will rip them apart.

But I am poor and needy; may the Lord think about me. You are my help and deliverer. My God, do not tarry too long! To the Director: A Davidic Psalm.

Hear me, LORD, and have mercy on me! LORD, help me!

God, you are my God! I will fervently seek you. My soul thirsts for you; my flesh longs for you in a dry, weary, and parched land. So I have looked for you in the sanctuary, to behold your power and glory. Because your gracious love is better than life itself, my lips will praise you. read more.
So I will bless you as long as I live; I will lift up my hands in your name. Just as I am satisfied with the choicest of foods, so my lips will praise you joyfully. When I think of you in bed, I will meditate on you in the night watches. For you have been my strength, and in the shadow of your wings I will shout for joy.

If the LORD had not been my helper, I would have quickly become silent.

Israel, trust in the LORD! He is their helper and shield. House of Aaron, trust in the LORD! He is their helper and shield. You who fear the LORD, trust in the LORD! He is their helper and shield.

"I am the LORD your God from the land of Egypt, and you have known no god except for me, because except for me there is no savior. I took care of you in the wilderness, in a waterless land. As their pastures flourished, all their desires were met. As they were satiated, they became arrogant and therefore ignored me. read more.
"So I will be like a lion to them. Like a leopard I will stalk them along the road. I will confront them like a bear deprived of her cubs; I will tear open their ribs. I will devour them like a lion the wild beasts will rip them apart. "You have destroyed yourself, Israel, although I remain your help.

"Gather together and come; draw near and enter, your fugitives from the nations. Those who carry around their wooden idols know nothing, nor do those who keep praying to a god that cannot save.

"But where are your gods that you made for yourselves? Let them rise up, if they can deliver you in the time of your trouble. You have as many gods as you have towns, Judah.

The LORD replied to the Israelis, "Aren't you away from the Egyptians, the Amorites, the Ammonites, and the Philistines? And when the Sidonians, the Amalekites, and the Maonites harassed you, you cried out to me, and I delivered you from under their domination. But you have abandoned me and served other gods. Therefore I will no longer be delivering you. read more.
Go and cry out to the gods that you have chosen for yourselves. Let them deliver you in your time of trouble."

according to your multiple schemes. Let them stand up now those who conjure the heavens and gaze at the stars, predicting at the new moons and save you from what is about to happen to them.

"He will say, "Where are their gods, the rock in which they took refuge? Who ate the fat of their offerings and drank the wine that was their drink offering? Let them rise and help you and be your hiding place!'

The towns of Judah and the residents of Jerusalem will go and cry out to the gods to whom they burn incense, but they'll be no help at all to them in the time of their disaster.

Those who pour out gold in a purse, weigh silver in a balance, hire a goldsmith in order to make a god, and then they bow down and even worship it. And they lift it on their shoulders, carry it, set it up in its place, and there it stands. It cannot move from that spot. One may even call to it, but it cannot answer nor save him from his distress.

"I am the LORD your God from the land of Egypt, and you have known no god except for me, because except for me there is no savior. I took care of you in the wilderness, in a waterless land. As their pastures flourished, all their desires were met. As they were satiated, they became arrogant and therefore ignored me. read more.
"So I will be like a lion to them. Like a leopard I will stalk them along the road. I will confront them like a bear deprived of her cubs; I will tear open their ribs. I will devour them like a lion the wild beasts will rip them apart. "You have destroyed yourself, Israel, although I remain your help. Now where is your king? Will he save you in all your cities? And where are your judges, about whom you demanded, "Give me a king and officials!'? I gave you a king in my anger, and I took him away in my fury."

If we are being questioned today for a good deed done for someone who was sick or to learn how this man was healed, you and all the people of Israel must understand that this man stands healthy before you because of the name of Jesus from Nazareth, whom you crucified, but whom God raised from the dead. He is "the stone that was rejected by you builders, which has become the cornerstone.' read more.
There is no salvation by anyone else, for there is no other name under heaven given among people by which we must be saved."

My soul rests quietly only when it looks to God; from him comes my deliverance. He alone is my rock, my deliverance, and my high tower; nothing will shake me.

I, yes I, am the LORD, and apart from me there is no savior. I've revealed and saved and proclaimed, when there was no foreign god among you and you are my witnesses," declares the LORD.

"I am the LORD your God from the land of Egypt, and you have known no god except for me, because except for me there is no savior.

I bowed down at his feet to worship him, but he told me, "Don't do that! I am a fellow servant with you and with your brothers who rely on what Jesus is saying. Worship God, because what Jesus is saying is the spirit of prophecy!"

I, John, heard and saw these things. When I had heard and seen them, I bowed down to worship at the feet of the angel who had been showing me these things. But he told me, "Don't do that! I am a fellow servant with you, your brothers the prophets, and those who keep the words in this book. Worship God!"

"I am the LORD your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt from the house of slavery. You are to have no other gods as a substitute for me. "You are not to craft for yourselves an idol or anything resembling what is in the skies above, or on earth beneath, or in the water sources under the earth. read more.
You are not to bow down to them in worship or serve them, because I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God, visiting the guilt of parents on children, to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me,

""I am the LORD your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt from the house of slavery. You are to have no other gods as a substitute for me. ""You are not to craft for yourselves an idol resembling what is in the skies above, or on earth beneath, or in the water sources under the earth. read more.
You are not to bow down to them in worship or serve them, because I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God, visiting the guilt of parents on children, to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me,

and with whom the LORD had made a covenant when he gave these orders to them: "You are not to fear other gods, bow down to them, serve them, or sacrifice to them. Instead, it is to be the LORD, who brought you up from the land of Egypt, showing great power and public demonstrations of might, whom you are to fear, worship, and to whom you are to offer sacrifice. Furthermore, you are to be careful to observe forever the statutes, ordinances, law, and the commandment that he wrote for you. And you are not to fear other gods. read more.
You are not to forget the covenant that I've made with you, and you are not to fear other gods.

You must neither have a foreign god over you or worship a strange god.

"I am the LORD your God from the land of Egypt, and you have known no god except for me, because except for me there is no savior.

Again and again, the LORD sent all his servants, the prophets, to you, but you wouldn't listen or even turn your ears in my direction to hear. They said, "Turn, each one of you, from your evil habits and evil deeds, and live in the land that the LORD gave to you and your ancestors forever and ever. Don't follow other gods to serve and worship them. Don't provoke me with the idols you make with your hands, and I won't bring disaster on you.'

When Peter was about to enter, Cornelius met him, bowed down at his feet, and began to worship him. But Peter made him get up, saying, "Stand up! I, too, am only a man."

Now in Lystra there was a man sitting down who couldn't use his feet. He had been crippled from birth and had never walked. He was listening to Paul as he spoke. Paul watched him closely, and when he saw that he had faith to be healed, he said in a loud voice, "Stand up straight on your feet!" Then the man jumped up and began to walk. read more.
When the crowds saw what Paul had done, they shouted in the Lycaonian language, "The gods have become like men and have come down to us!" They began to call Barnabas Zeus, and Paul Hermes, because he was the main speaker. The priest of the temple of Zeus, which was just outside the city, brought bulls and garlands to the gates. He and the crowds wanted to offer sacrifices. But when the apostles Barnabas and Paul heard of it, they tore their clothes and rushed out into the crowd, shouting, "Men, why are you doing this? We are merely human beings with natures like yours. We are telling you the good news so you'll turn from these worthless things to the living God, who made heaven and earth, the sea, and everything in them. In past generations he allowed all the nations to go their own ways, yet he has not abandoned his witness: he continues to do good, to give you rain from heaven, to give you fruitful seasons, and to fill you with food and your hearts with joy." Even by saying this, it was all Paul and Barnabas could do to keep the crowds from offering sacrifices to them.