Thematic Bible

Thematic Bible

Here the Pharisees and Sadducees came to Him; and, to make trial of Him, they asked Him to show them a sign in the sky.

The Pharisees followed Him and began to dispute with Him, asking Him for a sign in the sky, to make trial of Him.

Afterwards He was on the Mount of Olives and was seated there when the disciples came to Him, apart from the others, and said, "Tell us when this will be; and what will be the sign of your Coming and of the Close of the Age?"

So the Jews asked Him, "What proof of your authority do you exhibit to us, seeing that you do these things?"

"What miracle then," they asked, "do you perform for us to see and become believers in you? What do you *do*?

But the Jewish Passover was approaching, and for this Jesus went up to Jerusalem. And He found in the Temple the dealers in cattle and sheep and in pigeons, and the money-changers sitting there. So He plaited a whip of rushes, and drove all--both sheep and bullocks--out of the Temple. The small coin of the brokers He upset on the ground and overturned their tables. read more.
And to the pigeon-dealers He said, "Take these things away. Do not turn my Father's house into a market." This recalled to His disciples the words of Scripture, "My zeal for Thy House will consume me." So the Jews asked Him, "What proof of your authority do you exhibit to us, seeing that you do these things?" "Demolish this Sanctuary," said Jesus, "and in three days I will rebuild it." "It has taken forty-six years," replied the Jews, "to build this Sanctuary, and will you rebuild it in three days?" But He was speaking of the Sanctuary of His body. When however He had risen from among the dead, His disciples recollected that He had said this; and they believed the Scripture and the teaching which Jesus had given them. Now when He was in Jerusalem, at the Festival of the Passover, many became believers in Him through watching the miracles He performed. But for His part, Jesus did not trust Himself to them, because He knew them all, and did not need any one's testimony concerning a man, for He of Himself knew what was in the man.