Thematic Bible

Thematic Bible

Later on, there was another festival of the Jews, and Jesus went up to Jerusalem. Near the Sheep Gate in Jerusalem is a pool called Bethesda in Hebrew. It has five colonnades, and under these a large number of sick people were lying blind, lame, or paralyzed waiting for the movement of the water. read more.
At certain times an angel of the Lord would go down into the pool and stir up the water, and whoever stepped in first after the stirring of the water was healed of whatever disease he had. One particular man was there who had been ill for 38 years. When Jesus saw him lying there and knew that he had already been there a long time, he asked him, "Do you want to get well?" The sick man answered him, "Sir, I don't have anyone to put me into the pool when the water is stirred up. While I'm trying to get there, someone else steps down ahead of me." Jesus told him, "Stand up, pick up your mat, and walk!" The man immediately became well, and he picked up his mat and started walking. Now that day was a Sabbath.

Later on, there was another festival of the Jews, and Jesus went up to Jerusalem. Near the Sheep Gate in Jerusalem is a pool called Bethesda in Hebrew. It has five colonnades, and under these a large number of sick people were lying blind, lame, or paralyzed waiting for the movement of the water. read more.
At certain times an angel of the Lord would go down into the pool and stir up the water, and whoever stepped in first after the stirring of the water was healed of whatever disease he had. One particular man was there who had been ill for 38 years. When Jesus saw him lying there and knew that he had already been there a long time, he asked him, "Do you want to get well?" The sick man answered him, "Sir, I don't have anyone to put me into the pool when the water is stirred up. While I'm trying to get there, someone else steps down ahead of me." Jesus told him, "Stand up, pick up your mat, and walk!" The man immediately became well, and he picked up his mat and started walking. Now that day was a Sabbath. So the Jewish leaders told the man who had been healed, "It is the Sabbath, and it is not lawful for you to carry your mat. But he answered them, "The man who made me well told me, "Pick up your mat and walk.'" They asked him, "Who is the man who told you, "Pick it up and walk'?" But the one who had been healed did not know who it was, because Jesus had slipped away from the crowd in that place. Later on, Jesus found him in the Temple and told him, "Look! You have become well. Stop sinning or something worse may happen to you." The man went off and told the Jewish leaders that it was Jesus who had made him well. So the Jewish leaders began persecuting Jesus, because he kept doing such things on the Sabbath.

Later on, there was another festival of the Jews, and Jesus went up to Jerusalem. Near the Sheep Gate in Jerusalem is a pool called Bethesda in Hebrew. It has five colonnades, and under these a large number of sick people were lying blind, lame, or paralyzed waiting for the movement of the water. read more.
At certain times an angel of the Lord would go down into the pool and stir up the water, and whoever stepped in first after the stirring of the water was healed of whatever disease he had. One particular man was there who had been ill for 38 years. When Jesus saw him lying there and knew that he had already been there a long time, he asked him, "Do you want to get well?" The sick man answered him, "Sir, I don't have anyone to put me into the pool when the water is stirred up. While I'm trying to get there, someone else steps down ahead of me." Jesus told him, "Stand up, pick up your mat, and walk!" The man immediately became well, and he picked up his mat and started walking. Now that day was a Sabbath. So the Jewish leaders told the man who had been healed, "It is the Sabbath, and it is not lawful for you to carry your mat. But he answered them, "The man who made me well told me, "Pick up your mat and walk.'" They asked him, "Who is the man who told you, "Pick it up and walk'?" But the one who had been healed did not know who it was, because Jesus had slipped away from the crowd in that place. Later on, Jesus found him in the Temple and told him, "Look! You have become well. Stop sinning or something worse may happen to you." The man went off and told the Jewish leaders that it was Jesus who had made him well. So the Jewish leaders began persecuting Jesus, because he kept doing such things on the Sabbath.

One particular man was there who had been ill for 38 years. When Jesus saw him lying there and knew that he had already been there a long time, he asked him, "Do you want to get well?" The sick man answered him, "Sir, I don't have anyone to put me into the pool when the water is stirred up. While I'm trying to get there, someone else steps down ahead of me." read more.
Jesus told him, "Stand up, pick up your mat, and walk!" The man immediately became well, and he picked up his mat and started walking. Now that day was a Sabbath.

When the Sabbath came, he began to teach in the synagogue, and many who heard him were utterly amazed. "Where did this man get all these things?" they asked. "What is this wisdom that has been given to him? What great miracles are being done by his hands!

Once, on another Sabbath, Jesus went into a synagogue and began teaching. A man whose right hand was paralyzed was there.

If a man receives circumcision on the Sabbath so that the Law of Moses may not be broken, are you angry with me because I made a man perfectly well on the Sabbath?

On the Sabbath day, we went out the city gate and walked along the river, where we thought there was a place of prayer. We sat down and began talking to the women who had gathered there.

How much more is a human being worth than a sheep! So it is lawful to do good on Sabbath days."

As usual, Paul entered there and on three Sabbaths discussed the Scriptures with them.

The man immediately became well, and he picked up his mat and started walking. Now that day was a Sabbath.

Now it was a Sabbath day when Jesus made the mud and healed his eyes.